When I upgraded from version 5.x to 6.x of Avast free, it installed a useless Windows desktop gadget in my sidebar that I don’t want, and it installed it there without even asking me. So I closed it. But the next time I booted up the PC, the gadget came back. So I went to the Windows control panel, opened up the Desktop Gadgets section, and uninstalled the Avast gadget.
And the dam thing STILL came back.
That’s right, it’s not listed in as installed when I look in my gadget’s window, but it still insists on starting itself whenevr I boot my PC.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Interrogative, AVAST!
Who’s decision was it to include this craptastic gadget with version 6.0, and where do I send the angry mob armed with torches and pitchforks? >:(
My setup is:
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate sp1 x64
Motherboard: ASUS P6T Deluxe
CPU: Core i7 940
Oh, and if you could tell me how to get rid of this farking sidebar gadget, I’d appreciate it.
[b]Two ways to get rid of it: Gadget[/b]
1. Control panel -> Programs and Features -> avast! -> Change -> uncheck the box "avast! gadget"
- OR -
2. right-click the desktop, select Gadgets, right-click the avast! gadget and select Uninstall.
This is virus-like behaviour, I am very disappointed in Avast for doing this. If someone closes the Windows gadget, or uninstalls it from the Gadgets control panel, then Avast should not re-install itself. At least there should be an option with the Avast preferences to turn it off permanently. Only after finding this forum page have I learned how to finally get rid of it - how would have thought of going to the add/remove programs section to change a program option?
if you do a direct update it will install ALL items that come with avast. instead what you should do is download thenewest one (version 6) and then install it either over top of version 5 or the better way is to use the awsclear tool to remove version 5 reboot then do a custom install of 6 which the update feature does not allow you to do. i always do a fresh install anytime a major release version comes out of avast
The second way is the standard way to remove Vista Sidebar Gadgets but only the first method worked for me. The first method is not an obvious way since there is a “Settings” section to Avast. My opinion is that the method to remove the Vista Sidebar Gadget is to put the option also in the “Settings” section. Vista Ultimate 64