Avast skin request idea?

Hello guys,

I dont know if I have right to ask this, but anyway, it comes just as an idea… :slight_smile:

Its possible, that in the future, someone could make aa Avast skin for the Batman Begins (like you guys made for Matrix)?

I love batman and its just an idea, I guess it would be cool if avast have something for it… :slight_smile:

Anyway, Thanks for your time…:slight_smile:


Sasha is the one to answer this question ;D 8)
Anyway, copyrights are involved again… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry Elminister… just as Technical mentioned, some copyright games should be involved in case we want to make something like that. I remember how long that process was when Martin wanted to release Spiderman skin… begging, asking, waiting an answer from Marvel… I just don’t want to go through all those games any more. Too much wasted time in my opinion. Finally at the end, when you get that permission from “big guys”, you’re almost lost your interest in finishing that skin, so I can say for sure, it’s not going to be me this time. If someone else wants to play with this, he/she is welcome…

From my little workshop, just unique, genuine looking skins in the future… :-\

Cheers !

Just to let you know: Calvin has copyrights of Bill Waterson and Universal Press Sindicate.
Someone asked me to change my avatar… Sorry, I’ve back to my picture one.
The copyright here belongs to God and Sasha ;D

But, that’s so stupid whoever is telling about those copyrights Tech… we never used Calvin in comercial purposes. It was just your avatar, nothing else. What should other people do in some other forums ? There is plenty out there that uses all those movie heroes as they avatars, and no one have to pay attention for copyrights. Avatars don’t have to meet that criteria I’m sure…

Calvin and Hobbes were never licensed for anything, anything, besides cartoons themselves.
The author has his rights 8)
Sorry giving you that much work :cry:

No, it’s not a problem with spending time on making that avatar, it’s just it was looking nice walking around these forums… ;D

No big deal… I made hundreds of avatars that no one ever used… some people used them, and then just disappeared from these forums. Most likely they are using some other AV right now… maybe NOD32, maybe even NORTON, haha… ;D

Cheers !

Please, let stop… we just start to say crazy things… Norton? Oh, no, please, never again…
Edminster, sorry, we hijacked your thread ;D