Avast stopped working when updating to version 7


Avast stopped working when It updated itself to version 7.

The icon in the tool bar has a red cross on it:

attachment 1

The main dialog windows looks like this:

attachment 2

The “Fix now” button does not work. Neither the “Turn on” button.

Any ideas please?

Many thanks for your anticipated help!

Step one

Step two once rebooted
Avast! Free Antivirus 7.0.1407
Run the installer and use the custom install option of you wish, I recommended it always.

After these please report back :slight_smile:

EDIT: I can seem to view the pics, but the steps should clear up most problems.

Many thanks for your fast reply Darkradience.

I’ll try your methods. How to I post pix?

[quote][I’ll try your methods. How to I post pix?/quote]
do you mean how to attach pictures ?

see belowe… “attachment and other options”

OK, I followed the instructions:

  1. I removed Avast using the uninstaller. I restarted my PC as requested.

  2. Then I downloaded the latest version and used the custom install. After creating a restore point, I got an error message (see attachment). It is in French and it says it is missing a file.

I have posted the log files of the installation here: http://pastebin.com/G1YQsz63

Once again, many help for your help!

Sorry to bump this message, but I am now without protection and I am worried.

I deleted Avast previous version and I simply cannot install the new version (see above).

Any advice/help?

More or less in the same boat. But with Vista 32 bit.

avastUI.exe process hangs in an endless loop.

A quick scan of the forum topics suggest Avast 7 is simply not ready for release and was released before it was. I’ll see if I can find an old version or look for a different AV solution.

I too made the mistake of updating to the new version of Avast and it stupid auto sandboxing of apps which took over my computer. It would not save the change I attempted to make Auto Sandboxing to Ask would revert back to Auto. Will be uninstalling Avast shortly.

P.S. Please make your uninstall program so that it can run in safe more resolution and still allow people to see the buttons CLEARLY in the lower right corner of the application! Nothing worse than an app that brings a XP SP3 to its knees and is a pain to uninstall.

Thanks for your feedback cansurfer2 and pcguy.

I honestly don’t know what is going on.

I would have thought that, after a clean uninstall, vrsion 7 COULD be installed.

Apparently NOT, not only in 64-bit versions, but apparently also in 32-bit versions.

Avast still remains the best free AV with real-time protection. I hope they solve these very serious problems as I don’t really wish to migrate to another AV (but I will if I remain without protection).

I would gladly go back to version 6, but I can’t find it and, even if I did, I assume it would automatically update to version 7!

at Darloup: the Avast! uninstallation utility have to be used twice on both Avast! 7/6 installations

follow these instructions exactly:

  1. Download a fresh Avast! 7 package from http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download (to reduce chance of corrupted install)
  2. uninstalling Avast! the normal way with windows
  3. run Avast! uninstall utility http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (please do it in SAFE MODE! )
  4. run the uninstall utility (2 TIMES) total, one for Avast! 7
  5. reboot and go into safe mode once more, second time for Avast! 6 (this is because i noted u have updated to Avast! 7 from Avast! 6)
  6. reboot again, this time to normal windows mode
  7. install the fresh package
  8. please report ur findings here =)

at pcguy: if ur using programmes which are rarely used by the Avast! community, do not expect the filerep to recognise ur programmes as safe! the autosandbox is meant to protect users from unknown malware. thus to error on the safe side, Avast! will try to protect u from these unknown programmes, whether malicious or not while they analyse it in the viruslabs http://www.avast.com/pr-avast-software-detection-is-faster-when-filerep-knows-all-the-clean-files

if otherwise, please report the programmes that u feel are popular as a bug in a new topic. this way, Avast! can improve the techniques used in filerep to determine if the programme is safe enough to be run outside the autosandbox… ::slight_smile:


Avast 7 rendered my XP SP3 machine unusable. I could not even get the application to change the Sandbox from Auto to  Ask as the change would not be saved. I had to uninstall Avast software via safe mode. Have gone to another antivirus solution.

at pcguy: before u go, mind posting the specs of ur system which this serious problem happened? hopefully Avast! will be able to replicate it to solve it in future releases

Sorry, but I’m also moving to another AV solution (AVG).

What is happening here with Avast is simply unacceptable.

I am aware that it is a FREE program and that I shouldn’t complain too loudly, but I expected a far better service than this completely botched update.

I shall NOT be recommending this program to anyone - how could I???


1. Download a fresh Avast! 7 package from http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download (to reduce chance of corrupted install)
This link leads me to CNet - safe enough?????
2. uninstalling Avast! the normal way with windows
I can't remove it "the normal way" with windows as the program has already been removed!!! Avast doesn't appear in the list of programs installed (which thus can be removed)
3. run Avast! uninstall utility http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (please do it in SAFE MODE! ) 4. run the uninstall utility (2 TIMES) total, one for Avast! 7 5. reboot and go into safe mode once more, second time for Avast! 6 (this is because i noted u have updated to Avast! 7 from Avast! 6)
I've run the Avast uninstall utility FIVE times - in safe mode...

I’ve also run CCleaner (clean registry) to make sure that there are no spurious entries…

7. install the fresh package
Same error message...

I’ve already posted the install log here: http://pastebin.com/G1YQsz63

I know you’re trying to help, but I am sure the log can explain WHY I can’t install version 7.

Is there a link to Avast 6.0 Still around? Having trouble finding one.

In filehippo.com select avast first, then to the right you have a list of older versions. Click one version to select it. Once the page shows the version you want, download it from the mirror site (since the green “download” link will give you the wrong version).

I found version 6 (on Avast site) and tried to install it.

I got an error message!!!

Avast version 7 really screwed up my computer to the point that I can’t use ANY Avast products!!!

i couldn’t get version 6 from hipp mirror but I found it here

P4 2.4 Ghz w 1GB RAM.

Here is the installation log showing that even Avast 6 now can’t be installed properly: http://pastebin.com/B3C4aZ9t