Downloaded a game 10 months ago, scanned it with several security programs (including Avast HomeEd) before installing and playing it often this year. Suddenly, out of the blue today, Avast claims the executable now contains the Win32:Monga trojan.
So, I put it in the “chest” possibly imperiling the game because it’s tied to a unique, finicky reg key system.
Tried to send it to Avast but I’m told it’s “too large a file.” (1644kb)
Sent it to instead, where only 3 out of 35 analyzers (incl. Avast) report a “suspicious result” and only Avast specifically names a trojan. I suspect a false positive… how am I supposed to get this to the Avast umpires?
([font=Verdana][font=Verdana]Sidebar: Why not provide a LINK to the CHEST on the CHEST window inside the Avast ProgSettings so we don’t have to go on a wild goose chase in C: because we’ve forgotten that Avast is buried inside the ALWIL folder?[/font][/font])
What is the filename? Can you send it to Alwil from the chest?
The virus chest can’t be emailed.
Most probably a false positive… can you post the file name and path?
To send it from Chest to Alwil team for analysis, right click the file (you need to have configured your SMTP settings).
Uhmmm, guys I wasn’t trying to “email the CHEST”! ;D
Right-clicked on the sequestered file, chose “email to AlWil Software” and the “Emailing selected files” popup window displayed a Resume tab with a red warning:
“Action was completed with errors!”
and an Error Report tab:
“The following file cannot be sent by email:
MiniGolf.exe (FileID: 8
The file is bigger than the limit: 1024 kB”
I can appreciate Avast protecting itself from a bandwidth hogging deluge of huge files, but thought this an odd rejection.
FWIW, use a lot of “casual games” for mental diversions (e.g., Freecell, Chromatron, Stopple, Samarost), plus a few stressfree hand/eye coord games (triggerball, golf, billiards). This one lacked the bugs, spammy splash screens and forced popups common to games joined at the hip to certain arcade sites. Although I got this game via a free game site, I believe the same file can be found here:
TECH, I agree, most likely a false pos. Since Avast hadn’t alerted on it for 9 months, presumably a recent defs update dislikes a string of code. Very rusty with SMPT. Haven’t bothered with Outlook since Win95, now using WinXP SP2 and haven’t once opened OutlookExpress. Life’s a lot simpler! Hasn’t interferred with uploads/downloads, input form fills or communication, so I didn’t even think about it. Maybe I’m spoiled. Thought I’d be able to append the file to an on-line email account or your server handled uploads the way does. If I have to screw around with POP3 and my ISP just for this, it ain’t gonna happen. The path is on the D partition… D:\GAMEs\MiniGolf
Thanks for the prompt replies.
avast Program Settings > Chest > increase the Max File size to send so that it is large enough to send the file.
You can check the file size into avast4.ini file settings.
Thankew. If that works, maybe I’ll send two samples cause Avast just hit on yet another old .exe file, one I’d already considered a dubious utility because of potential copyright infringement. I scanned and installed on a whim 6 months ago but never used it. Report says-
File Name: FairUseWizardUpdate.exe
FileID: 11
Virus Description: Win32:Adware-gen [Adw]
Wouldn’t surprise me if that one WAS infected.
Downloaded from-
Ran it through VirusTotal, where 5 (incl Avast) of 36 find either Win32-Adware gen or AdWare.Rabio.g though CAT-Quickheal comments that rabio.g is “Not a Virus”
I do appreciate the handholding, guys. The older I get, the less patience I have with unintuitive, atypical GUI’s (that, imho, describes Avast). Been using it for over a year and still can’t easily navigate. As far as I can tell, no Help on the On Access Protection Control screen or when you right click the taskbar icon, just on the Settings page; no link whatsoever to the Chest; link to forum buried inside the About pop-up, exclusions and ignores scattered amongst the shields, etc. Anywho, again, thanks for the assist.
Don’t worry. Version 5 won’t have skins and it will be designed for people like you that like intuitive appearance.
You need to change avast4.ini file. Do you want further help?
ShowChestInMenu=1 see
Well, I’ll definitely be looking forward to V5, then. Until somebody perfects AI (not in my lifetime, apparently), user-friendly intuitive GUI’s are my only hope for staying ahead of the youngsters. :-
My programming days are lonnnng behind me, but if I can’t modify an INI, I’m in serious trouble. (that said, look for another SOS coming to a forum near you) ;D
Thanks again, TECH.
You’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)