Avast symbol is very nice, but what is it?

Great symbol for great program, but I can’t decide what it is.

I think of it as an amoeba eating and recycling a virus. But maybe it is a nautical control for reversing the engines. Or a valve to shut off the input.

Yeah, I’ve heard of it referred to as an amoeba a few times, that seems to be it, unofficially anyway.

Could be thought of as an ink blot also, I suppose.


A little more info:

Wow! My congratulations to Martin on elegantly clean web design.

The “blob”. Internally we fondly call the orange graphical element “the blob”. To me, it is avast (represented by the stylized a in the center) surrounded by people (represented by the four nodes or appendages)....Now to be honest though, Martin came up with the shape in advance of any message we could weave around it

Who knew!
I sure thought the squiggle in the middle was a Refresh sign.

I like the idea of it representing members of the community connected. Personally I think it would make a better tray icon than the ball.

Looks like a target store sign

It’s Kenny from South Park.


I agree.

On contrary, I love the ball… Ten years side by side with it. It takes part of my daily life. Keep it there :slight_smile:

;D lol ;D

I like the tray icon ball in orange and the new type “a”.

Mush less stressing for the eyes than many other logos.

Same colour as Firefox logo in the upper left. :slight_smile:

LOL! ;D ;D :wink:

I do really like the way the ball turns when Avast is doing something behind the scene. It would be hard to turn the amoeba.

Well, it could rotate…

And it does rotate.
Someone here has this as avatar. :wink:

Well, I think we’re talking about the official taskbar icon though :stuck_out_tongue:

Avatars on the forum don’t count.

Well, would be just a matter of size.
But I prefer the a-ball anyway.

I think we tried it in avast internal version, but it was so tiny that we couldn’t recognize it properly.