I have submitted a “ticket” no less than 3-4 times. I keep getting an email response that directs me to the web portal to see the answer to my ticket. I log in, and there is nothing under my ticket, so I respond to the email, which contains the following statement in it “if you prefer you can answer to this email”.

So I answered all 4 emails, saying no ticket appears under my account name, an “Ooops, try back later” error pops up, and would they please PUT THE RESPSONSE in an email because the web portal is not working. And EVERY time, I receive another email directing me back to the web portal. PLEASE, can’t they just READ my email and response IN THE EMAIL. Ticket # XPB-241-64414.

I’m like a dog chasing my tail, the web portal has no response, and every ticket submission sends me back to the web portal. email address karenwmeyer@gmail.com

Sorry your having a problem.
I’ve reported your post for additional help from Avast.
Please do not submit any more tickets. Each new submission starts the process all over again and defeats your previous ticket.

@ Karen
You may also want to remove your email from public view as this can/will cause Spam issues for you.
There could be Spam bots collecting email addresses.

Hi karenwmeyer!

The issue was that you entered a wrong email when raising your ticket (you wrote @gmail.som) and while we corrected the email to send you the responses, your login email was still the incorrect one. We fixed it today so you should be able to see the responses both by email and in our support portal.
Did you receive today’s message?