I tried to install a WildTangent game and while it was downloading, prior to installation, I got a pop-up message from Avast stating the program was terminated and then asked me if I wanted to open it in Sandbox or open normally. I chose open normally and went through the process to download and install again. But I got the same pop-up message and it was terminated again. I went to my Avast control panel and added the Wildtangent file path to the exclusion list for scanning to see if that would then allow it to install but that did nothing. Please advise.
What you are looking for, is a different exclusion. Open user interface, select Real time shields, then Filesystem shield, Expert Settings, Exclusions.
You can either go into the auto sandbox settings and change it to ask instead of auto decide, or in your current settings after choosing to open normally also tell it to remember your decision.
If neither of those two options help you can always temporarily disable the auto sandbox.
Thank you Kwartet, I will give that a try and let you know if that fixes the issue.
And thank you craigb as well…to be honest, I have never used Sandbox - I am new to the Avast security and don’t know how to open things in sandbox. When I first got that pop-up message, I actually chose “open in Sandbox” just to see what would happen and nothing did so when I tried to install again I then chose “open normally”…but that didn’t work either as I mentioned in my original post and I just didn’t bother mentioning I tried the Sandbox option. I’ll go look at the auto sandbox feature and see what I have it set to.
Edit to add: ok, I followed your instructions Kwartet but I am not sure if I need to have all three R, W, X checked for this? There are already some file paths in this list (I assume automatically placed there as I didn’t put them there) and none of them have X chosen, so I wasn’t sure what to do for the Wildtangent Games. I left all three checked for now, but let me know if that is necessary. Thanks!
Second Edit to add: Success! The game downloaded and installed with no issues.
Thank you!!! Let me know what to do about the R, W, X exclusion choices for this though, thanks.
Mel33, after the installation, nothing should be excluded from File Shield scanning (R, W, X).
The only thing should be occurred already: the AutoSandbox blocking, but does it continue to be detected from avast! if you remove the exclusion from File Shield (not from the Autosandbox)? Does the program work as it should?
• EMD - sites engaged in malware distribution
This classification is assigned to website’s engaged in the distribution of malware (e.g. adware, spyware, trojans and viruses etc).
Sites with this classification typically either contain files (e.g. cracks, keygens, adware, spyware, trojans, viruses et al) or lead to such via (for example) “fake scanners” or other social engineering and misleading tactics. This includes the activities of rogue Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that host other sites to which the EMD classification applies.
As of a couple of months ago, WildTangent was still very invasive. I don’t know about right now as I have not had to deal with on anyone’s computer since then.
You really do not want anything to do with WildTangent.
I wouldn’t say nothing. I got some old programs that Avast thinks is bad which they are not. 98lite, PSPV, and ghost back up files. In fact, I also had to excluded system commander, sygate personal firewall-it crashes with Avast 7 installed (I aware of the thread about firewall issues). Just because someone has PUP doesn’t mean they want it deleted. Which is your default settings. That is the first thing I do is start excluding folder/files when I install a virus protection program. In fact, the only thing I installed is the file shield. Then changing the default options. I want the option to repair, quarantine, delete or do nothing.
Then Cnet changed the defaults. I am trying to recall from memory. It said move to chest then delete for most of the Virus & PUP selection. PUP I don’t consider a virus. I have a program called Passview that allows me to see my outlook & other email passwords-which is a big help for us.
Well the hpHosts Online EMD classification is clear enough.
Quttera’s scanning of download.wildtangent dot com flags:
Potentially Suspicious files: 2
File size[byte]:
Potentially Suspicious
Detected unconditional redirection to external web resource.
I’ve never played any of the games but since it has been on my computer for 6 months, not causing any problems I see no reason to uninstall WildTangent.
I think you did not completely understand what we have been discussing and demonstrating here. Else you would not have posted this nonsense. Installation of WildTangent Games from certain download sites on the Internet can be risky because these downloads can come with additional crap and can also be downright malicious in some cases. In that place pre-scanning is a must, else the one that downloads could be playing a kind of Russian roulette and risk some malcode infection…
Bundled softwares that comes pre-installed by computer vendors is another issue. There the only issue can be adware or crapware and these bundled installs in most cases come malware free. Who would buy a computer with pre-installed malcode on it. No one.
So with your remarks you are actually going “off topic”, because the two subjects downloads from an Internet download site and computer software bundled installs are two completely different kettles of fish,