Avast translation

Who translates avast?
After installing Avast Home Norwegian i got this message:


Translatet to English the words marked with the red line means:
We wish you good luck getting virus.

It’s not realy a problem, but it should be fixed.

Ah, that looks like a bad typo :wink:
avast! translation was (just like most of other avast! language versions) created by a devoted avast! user. It was released rather recently, so it may contain some bugs.

Could you maybe tell us the corrected version, i.e. what the text really should say in Norwegian? In English, it says “We wish you good luck and few viruses.”.

Maybe you guys wanted it to sound something like “break a leg” in English language, which means “good luck”…

Maybe it’s just not quite good idea to say “…and few viruses” in antivirus world. It would sound much better if you put that sentence like this:

We wish you good luck and no viruses at all”.

Just my 2 cents on this one…

Cheers !

Or hire a professional translator…

LOL, that would work too… ;D

Thanks Igor 8)

Translatet to Norwegian=
just use , or . after Vi ønsker deg lykke til
and add er after virus
e.g. Vi ønsker deg lykke til, Og få viruser.

A better version is:
Vi ønsker deg lykke til, og håper på lite viruser.

Hello, Svenni212000

I’m an avast! Translater.

Please don’t blame your translater.
I guess some language were translated by resellers, so that those may be much better than mine.
But most of translaters are volunteers.

I changed some of my translations slightly because those were had my typo, my misunderstandings, or I thought that those were not comfortable for users.
When I am not understand the scene where the text is used, I always ask Igor my questions.
Because his explanation is so nice and very helpful for me.
However, I have NOT yet understood avast! 4 Antivirus completely.

So I will improve my translation, if I think the translation is wrong.
If you find typo and wrong translations, I think you should tell your translater or ALWIL Team what is strange or wrong you think.
(If you are Japanese, you could post your comments on my web forum after registration. I will check my translations, then I’ll email to Igor ASAP.)

Thank you for your understanding and I’m sorry my strange English.


Thanks Svenni, it will be changed in the next version, as you suggested.