Avast U3 (Sandisk) MS Excel sharing violation

Hi All,

I am new to Avast having recently purchased a Cruzer U3 Sandisk USB memory stick.

My problem is that with Avast U3 edition running whenever I try to save an Excel file that is located on the drive, I get a dialogue box appear in Excel telling me it couldn’t save due to a sharing violation. Turning off Avast fixes the problem. (MS Word behaves OK and I can save documents as expected).

Is this a known issue / can anybody advise a fix?

I am running version 1.0.108 of Avast currently still on the trial version (ordered a licence over the weekend). Windows XP Pro SP2.

Many thanks,

hello, this problem, I have too, not it is ok.You can try refresh your software , maybe it is ok,
Best regards




I have just downloaded the free trial version and installed it but the problem still exists.

Unfortunately, the Avast version I got with the USB drive was valid until 25th April but now I hhave re-installed it is telling me my licence has expired and I can’t get the latest definition files :-[

As I bought the full 1 year subscription over the weekend I’m anxious to resolve this Excel issue.


We’ve been chasing this issue for quite some time, but unfortunately, unsuccessfully so far…

The problem is, the problem doesn’t happen on any of other machines. There must be something different in the configuration…

What we’d need is access to a machine that has the problem simulated. Do you think it would be possible to get some kind of remote desktop access to your machines? (e.g. via www.logmein.com)



I’ve got the same problem also. If you need to access my computer with a remote desktop, well, i could let you use my computer thru Beam Your Screen. You need no special application installed on your computer, and it go right thru any firewall.

please, tell me where i can send you some private informations so we could contact each other to establish a connection.

I’ve got DEPENDENCY WALKER and FILEMON (From SysInternals) to trap events generated by an application. If you are a developper you probably already know one of them.


Hi Vlk,

I’ve run the same file on another computer and you are right, it’s machine specifc. My work laptop has the problem, my home desktop doesn’t (which means I can’t really help with the remote access scenario I’m afraid).

Let us know how you get on, assuming someone can give you access that has the same problem.


cdebel2005 , excellent, thanks for the offer.
Please send the connection details to my email (just click the envelope icon below my picture).


Hi All,

any updatres on this issue?


Unfortunately, cdebel2005 didn’t get back to me…
So - still no luck… :-[