Hi All,
Been using avast for almost 4month on WINXP SP2 and updating both regularly.
Whenever a virus is found (win32: Trojan-Gen / vitro/ sality) its unable to disinfect the infected file and always either chest or delete, even after daily updates and scanning chest items it doesn’t help!!!.
Is this normal? need an expert’s advice.
-= It is, in most cases, hard to recover Sality or Vitro infected files…
-= Early detection of the virus could still rescue most of the threatened files…
You can’t have been updating your OS regularly as SP3 has been out for a year and there are many security updates released which are included in this SP and many after that also.
I would also suggest a visit to this site, which scans your system for out of date programs that have patches to close vulnerabilities, http://secunia.com/software_inspector/.