Avast unabled to be killed and stop from autobooting

I have a question and it is why Avast doesn’t allow me to have any permissions for it. I love the antivirus and I think it is amazing but I want some control over it like killing it with the Task Manager. This isn’t a small problem, I logged into the Super User for Windows 10 and still I can’t kill the task or disable the service fully. It is just somewhat annoying as Avast sometimes uses a lot of my CPU and there is no way I can end it fully. Also it always has to start up with the System which I don’t like a lot since it just spins my fans fast when I boot up and when I check the task manager it’s Avast booting up. In general I just don’t like programs starting with Windows so how can I disable it? I can’t disable it with the Task Manager due to me having no control over Avast. Please help me!


To stop (Kill) many things in Avast, you need to first stop it’s self defense function.


I see now, thank you a lot. <3

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: