avast unfulfilment virus

hello ! i’m come from china i likes avast i english is poor :cry:
but i barge up against avast unfulfilment virus…this is avast unfulfilment virus address
ycool.ys168.com virus file is hidden

this is my email yu1huan2@163.com

Please, never post a link to an infected website without editing it :cry:
Anyway, I could not reach that site… are you sure it’s correctly spelled?

If you don’t like spam, remove your email address because it will be stolen by spammers.

Welcome to forums 8)

P.S. If you can, resize your avatar (picture) to 100x100 pixels 8)

A DrWeb link check also fails to find anything at http :// ycool . ys168 . com

What makes you think it is infected ?

Edit: Sorry I see what you mean you have a sample of the undetected virus at that site.

Send the sample to virus@avast.com zipped and password protected with password in email body and undetected malware in the subject.

Or add it to the User Files section (File, Add) of the avast Chest and send it from there, the chest will encrypt it so no nee to zip and password protect it.


:‘( :’( :‘( :’(


:‘( :’( :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :‘( :’(

jamesvaul, I suppose you’ve submitted the file for Alwil analysis.
Alwil team, I suppose you’re already alerted on this to improve detection.

thank you virus send virus@avast.com