Avast Update definitions

I would like to know if Virus Definition 130802-0 is the latest Avast Virus definition? I got a message saying the last virus definition failed. but I went to manual update and it said i’m already up to date then i did a repair rebooted and did it agian and it gave me the same result your already up to date.

will someone please just look at your avast updates and list them for me? :frowning:

:frowning: No it shows 130728-1 Mine is already at 130802-0


normally you can check the updates here: http://www.avast.com/de-de/virus-update-history

But the site hasnt been updated for some time now, maybe there is a problem at the moment.

virus update history. http://www.avast.com/virus-update-history

not that the website sometimes is behind the AV update…as updating the web has lower priority then pushing out signatures. :wink:

will you just look at your avast updates and list them for me? :frowning:

difficult on iPad. ;D

130802-0 is the latest.

It’s up to 130802-2 here.

I’d expect it would be 14 hours later :slight_smile:

That’s right because we get more coming through the Streaming update in the cloud before they compile altogether in one complete update definitions, IF I’m not mistaken :o