avast update location

Where does avast store daily signature update related information?Does it store any information in Windows registry?(Or)Is it stored in a file located in program files,program data or appdata folder in Windows 7 ultimate?I am asking this information.Because i am want to use shadow defender along with avast antivirus or avast internet security?I want to make exclusions for Avast in Shadow Defender so that avast updates are saved even in shadow mode.Please confirm if any information related to avast update is stored in windows registry.If it is so, then i have to make some adjustments while using SD with Avast?Please mention the location for XP also.

There is no need to use shadow defender.
You can run applications in the avast Sandbox.
Besides, shadow defender will not restore anything if e.g. your harddrive breaks down.
Better is to have a image of the drive and update the image on a regular base.
Clonezilla is free and can do it.

I would say all of the above - most of the definitions is stored in avast! installation folder, but some values are stored in avast! registry key too, and some data files may be changing in ProgramData\AVAST\Software\avast as well.