Avast Update Window doesn't show up.

Hello guys! :slight_smile:

I’ve Windows 7 Home Premium and Avast! Free Antivirus 2015 installed. Previously I had NOD32, which I removed with CCleaner, then I made a fresh install of my favourite protection Avast. Although it updates when I check the “Updates” category, the update message (the window on the bottom of right side) doesn’t show up. It never did on Avast 2015 version.

I had Avast for years and never had such an issue. Plus Avast updates every 4 hours (if I am not mistaken?) while I knew it does each 2 hours? Did I miss any changes? I think it still does have Cloud Technology?

May I’ve some answers please? :slight_smile:

Well, thanks for your time guys and sorry for the huge post!

best regards

Posted asked a million times … use forum search

Well I couldn’t find anything mate and since you decided to make a reply on my post, wouldn’t it be more productive to post some links that answer my questions?

the update message (the window on the bottom of right side) doesn't show up.
removed in 2015

Here you go: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=157589.msg1138441#msg1138441