? avast updates need help

Hi Everyone. My ? being I installed avast free today for my windows 7 64 bit version of windows. I know how to update it by right clicking the icon in taskbar and updateing the programme and the engine and virus definitions. but the update Im not getting is the 1 where the voice tells u avast has been updated I installed it today at 4.00 or does this only happen now and again im not to sure. But any help would be very greatful thx.


and many more if you search…

That topic is in an area that the OP can’t reach.

sorry I tried clicking the link in the thread u posted and all it says is The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

also 2nd reply I don’t quite understand That topic is in an area that the OP can’t reach. need more help on this please.

sorry…the topic i linked to is in a area only available for avast evagelists

anyway if you search the forum, your problem has been asked/posted many times

yes see what u mean now thx 4 that only im worried why im not getting them updates u see ill check the forum regarding that now.

sorry there r so many threads to go through on here not sure which 1 would be suitable that matches my reply ive seen a few but there mainly to do whith manual updates and bad installs of avast. the only thing that was checkmarked was in settings silent mode saying silent when full screen app is running not sure if my issue is related to that but ice unchecked that box now. if u can can u please post a link to the 1 that matches the ? im asking about as I say I am new to the programme. but I left everything on default when I put avast in but no voice updates whatso ever me friend has avast and he said u should be having them comeing through u will know as the voice will say avast has been updated he as ad about 2 or three in one day before. only I have not had 1 since install yesterday and was just concerned if its working right.

there is a bug with the voice notification…have been for some time

right I didn’t know this. r they going to do a fix 4 it do u know

you may try next release candidate http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=147778.0

That isn’t an RC (Release Candidate), but the latest regular Release 9.0.2016 version.

ok ive installed that over the previous version now. I have now it says programme version 2014 .9.0.2016


Could you clarify if you are actually getting the virus definitions updates but no voice confirmation or are you just getting the streamed updates which, as far as I know, do not have voice confirmation. You can check this in the program’s ‘Setting’ / ‘Update’ window where you can see the current version and its release date and time. You can also see the latest update received and its date and time. The latter is likely a streamed update so a later time than that of the current version would be normal (there are lots of streamed updates daily but only a few and possibly only one virus definitions folder update). If the date and time of the current version is significantly earlier, say a day or more, you can assume that automatic updates is not working correctly although you will be protected by the regular streamed updates. If this is the case, you may need to do a complete fresh reinstall of Avast.

To do a complete fresh reinstall of Avast, download the Avast Uninstall Tool for your system (http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility) and also download Rejzor’s AvastCleanupTool (https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=94a12102e5094675&id=94A12102E5094675!952&authkey=!AHu_KR3cJN1jHt4). Download Avast so you have it ready on your system to use directly you complete the uninstallation. Uninstall Avast via Windows, run the Avast Uninstall Tool in Safe Mode (you will be directed to Safe Mode by the program) and then run Rejzor’s AvastCleanupTool. I had this problem myself and this strtegy did resolve it for me.

Could you clarify if you are actually getting the virus definitions updates but no voice confirmation or are you just getting the streamed updates which, as far as I know, do not have voice confirmation.
stream do not have voice notification......if it did i think you would be extremely annoyed as they come in evry 5minutes ;)


ok what im not getting just to clarify the matter in hand is the voice updates saying virus defs r up to date there not comeing through at any time of the day at all. ive used the reinstall tool and did fresh install but still that voice update don’t come through. I have heered on the forum though there has been ongoing faults with the voice updates unless that’s the problem. I am greatful 4 any feedback.

It is highly unlikely that a reinstall would change what is a problem in the program.

Do you happen to have the program settings set for Silent/Gaming mode (if so uncheck that option) ?

If not:
Are you getting any popups at the bottom right of the screen at all ?
If so:
Are any of those auto update notification popups ?
Or as is likely popups for ads/info, etc. ?

Currently there are ads/info piggybacked on to the auto update notification, if you get one of the ads/info popups then it is likely that you have also just received an auto update. Unfortunately this piggybacking screws up the auto update voice-over and you don’t see an auto update notification.

hi david I think my registry was a bit messed up as I noticed wen I installed avast now I heered it saying the quick scan as been done fingers crossed it be ok now. I had to clean the registry before hand.

Yes, hopefully you are good to go now.