Is it normal when i boot up that the file com.avast.daemon runs for a long time and loads the cpu to 98%? The fan keeps running. Seems like a lot of resources for this program.
Is it normal when i boot up that the file com.avast.daemon runs for a long time and loads the cpu to 98%? The fan keeps running. Seems like a lot of resources for this program.
it is not normal, but last few days there have been several reports of such behavior. Please check your email, I have sent you a mail, it would be great if you could help us with diagnosis of this problem.
Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek
the issue should be fixed via new VPS released at 27. August 2019, cca. 16:30 UTC. The cause was a bug in pdf processing code which led to infinite loop for small set of PDF files.
Unfortunately the update of VPS itself will not stop the infinite loop; if this is happening to you, force update of Avast (just in case automatic update did not download the new VPS yet) and afterwards either restart your computer or run the following command in terminal:
sudo killall com.avast.daemon
We apologise for the issue.
Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek
I registered specifically to report this same issue, that I noticed today (3th of December 2022) on my MacBook Pro 2018 running macOS version 13.0.1
This is the first time I’ve noticed this issue. What can I do to determine the root cause? Has this been reported after the 2019 fix?
Kind Regards
if this is still happening, please run the Terminal app and in it run the following command:
sudo sample $(ps -e|grep com.avast|grep daemon|awk '{print $1}') -file ~/Desktop/avast_daemon.sample
It will request your password. This will generate a file avast_daemon.sample in your Desktop folder. Please send it to ondrej.kolacek
We do not see any signs of this issue happening increasingly often; it could be an one-off occurrence.
If the issue is no longer present, unfortunately there is no way how to analyse this.
Kind regards,
Ondrej Kolacek