Avast! Virus Chest

When Avast! finds a virus does Avast! directly send him to the Virus Chest? and only then Avast! ask me if delete the virus or not?
Because, I think about that - when I sleep, for example, the virus will found but I’m sleep and I’m don’t know about him and when I will wake up my computer will be full of viruses. But if Avast! will directly send him to the Virus Chest - my computer will be safe.
So how does it’s work?

Good weekend and Shabbat Shalom.

You can configure the automated actions for each scanning and for each shield (resident protection).
The boot time scanning does not have automated actions (by now).

I have a question about the Virus Chest,

Avast found about 5 or 6 suspected Trojans that seem to relate to Java. What I want to be able to do is to send all of the files in the chest to the lab for analysis at the same time, along with the URL where I think they might have come from. How do I do this, or can I only send one file at a time? I try to highlight all the files in the chest, but when I right-click the highlight color disappears. Is there another way that I can send those files and talk about the URL in question so that the lab can test the URL?


One at a time… We already complain on that, but they did not implement a multiply file upload.

Best would be…
Not to even get any entry in the chest…!! :wink:
Mine is empty for ages…

Asyn :slight_smile:

Now you are lying :stuck_out_tongue: In Avast! 4 you had some system files in the chest :wink:

Greetz, Red.

Thanks Tech!


You’re welcome.

That’s true…!! :wink:
Even in the early 5.x versions, until they decided to kick out the winsock copies…