As I’ve posted elsewhere, avast is much better on configuration and features. You must want to learn more things. AVG is more direct, a closed box. Both are reliable and you can trust. Anyway, I don’t see any disavantage of avast (sorry, I’m always avast fanatic ;D). I’ve used AVG for more than one year.
If you need help, you’re find it quicker, deeper and stronger here than any other antivirus 8)
Do you want to learn?
AVG has only Resident and Email Shields, avast! got seven and do I need to say them all? Avast got wonderful skins while AVG got a ugly-so-called Simple interference. AVG has no automactic updates that I can think of, plus we have cute forums to go with avast!
AVAST vs. AVG ? This subject has benn battered around 1000 times.
Since this is the avast! forum, most of us are going to tell you why we’ve choosen avast!
and why it is better.
On the AVG Forum, they will probably parise AVG.
You’ll have to make up your own mind. Just remember, you can only use ONE as a resident AV program.
If you run both, you’ll kill both.
As a defector from AVG over a year ago, I would say no contest, avast! is the winner with a much more flexible/configurable, multi level protection (Web Shield, Standard Shield), multi item protection (standard shield, web shield, net shield, email, p2p, im, etc.).
Yes that flexibility/configuration requires a little investigation/research on the part of the user, but it is very worth while. The research (read the help file, sticky threads in the main forums, etc) will further enhance the experience/protection of the default installation settings, which for the average user should be fine.
I’ve used AVG too. The only thing, which I liked there, was the email scanner function showing progress of sent or incoming message in percentage. And thats it. I’m also incurable avast fanatic! ;D
I don´t recommend AVG antivirus. Why? Well I was using AVG in the past, but not for long (month or so). My computer was a wreck, he was restarting without a reason, blue screens were appearing very often, so I said f*** this antivirus, and then I installed avast! free and avast detected few viruses and trojans after a complete scan with AVG (updated). So i dumped AVG. And now I dumped even panda av . Avast is all that I need ;D
I’ll be frank, AVG is lighter on resources but doesn’t offer complete protection. If you’re a computer newb, go with Avast, if you know the websites you visit and trust yourself to be able to identify potential viruses on your own and want a faster system go with AVG.