I have a question, please bear with me as I give the situation.
So I use a VPN service called Unblock-US which allows me to view sites dedicated to other areas of the globe (Netflix US, UK, etc., BBC iPlayer). But recently I’ve discovered that I’m unable to connect to their service.
When you set up with them you have to set a specific DNS address either on your router (to cover multiple devices) or PC.
So when I noticed I couldn’t connect I re-did the set up on both my router, laptop and PC but with no luck. I’d been going back and forth with their tech support and on a whim I checked via my tablet and I got connected no issue.
I decided to suspend Avast for 10 minutes and recheck. I have avast on both PC and Laptop so I figured this would be a good test as it’s not on my tablet. Well I got connected again with no problem.
I turned it back on, no connection. So I try turning off Secure DNS under active protection and I can connect again.
So my question.
Can I change a setting to allow me to access my Unblock-US account and benefit from it, if so how, or do I have to keep Secure DNS switched off. If so what’s the potential issue with this?
Thanks for any help provided.