Starting from today, I will be testing avast against 30 malicious links everyday though out the month of April. These links are randomly chosen from different sites.
Testing enviorment:
Windows Vista Sp2 2gb ram with all patches installed
Firefox 3.6 running in sandbox.(Don’t have a virtual machine so I use sandboxie to substitute that)
avast free version 5.0.462
All selected links are no more than 24hous old.
Avast setting:
Heuristic in file system and web shield set to high.
Turned on scanning of PUP in file system and web shield.
Code emulation is on for both file and web shield
Packers is set to default.
Shields installed: File,Web,Network,Behavior.
These test are done only for fun. All undetected samples are sent to Alwil.
sure If I don’t update the results by 8:30Pm Eastern time zone(I’m in the US),then you can test it and Pm me the results.I will then post the results for that day the next day(hope i’m, not confusing you). I will send you the links to gather malware in a few minutes.
okay it is your thread but i have suggestion that i test samples against MSE then what mse cant detect will be tested against threat fire and i will send you results and you puplish them here,the result will look like:
software Date Total Samples Samples Detected Samples Undetected Percentage Database Version
AVAST 4/7/10 30 20 10 66.6% 100407-0
MSE 4/7/10 x y x-y y100/x 1.79.1412.0
ThreatFire 4/7/10 x-y z x-y-z z100/(x-y) updated
i wish it will be good to you,any way i will test and send you results
Thanks for trying to help.In order to make the test fair, you will have to test MSE and threatfire against the same links that I tested with avast.If you want, I can send you the links after I have done testing avast or you can send me the links after you have test mse and threatfire.
Starting from today, I will be using firefox to test the links since ie8 can’t open some of the links even though they are still alive.
Also have added mse to the test(Thanks superhacker). Because by the time superhacker tested the links, some of them were dead so he was only able to test 21 of them.I’m sure mse could have done better ;D
i think we are professionalk,i test malware inside real systems"no VM,no Sandboxes",we dont get any thing from any body,we are not biased,and i am afraid of God so i dont cheat
it will damage our system and i am really afraid of files infector"but if i dont test one of them coz it will be detected since we dont see that powerful file infectors like sality,virut"
and i monitor my system with shVL so every bad thing done would be reversed:files will be deleted,startups also and configuration:,and if my pc really get so bad and wont be repair i could repair it without format,restore image or any thing else,just with my flash disk
so what i got 4 pc one for test and if it is get bad it is just 1 hour and every thing ok"when i test avast beta i format over 3 times and restore backups over 6 times"
flash news::superhacker will get fifth pc in may my room look like a small company 8)