Avast vs Zone Alarm 5.1

Is there any incompatibility between Avast 4.6 and Zone alarm 5.1 ?
I heard taht i should disconnect my webshield… Is that true ?

Thank’s for your precious help.

Yes, there are problems with ZA for many users.
You can click the “search” button above (near the title bar of this page) and digit “zone alarm” for a full view of all posted questions about it.

Bye. :slight_smile:

Also check here - http://www.avast.com/eng/webshield_issues.html

But why would you want to use a very old version of ZA, a new version has just been released?

Sorry. Actually, I’ve got ZoneAlarm version…
But th pb is still the same…
Thunderbird is slower than ever…

I have installed Avast just today, on PC I have ZA and no problem occurred…at installing appearing message regarding problem with privacy settings of ZA, suggesting disable this option and I did it.
After this all OK…

Sorry, I can’t see the relationship between Thunderbird (an email program) and web shield (scans web content using http port 80). Web Shield has nothing to do with email, unless you happen to be using web based email (http), such as hotmail or yahoo (free accounts).

Can you please explain your problem?

Can you please reduce the size of your avatar - we try to keep it to a max of 100x100, this helps others using a lower resolution and you may have noticed it doesn’t display well.