avast warning - malware was found

hi guys, new to the forum, so go easy on me :wink:

looking for some help regarding an issue that has arisen, and would be grateful for any help in rectifying.

i am new to Avast (free/home) only been using it for 3 days since my last reformat, so still trying to get to grips with things.

i am currently doing a virus scan, and its thrown up this issue, and a subsequent search of the net has intimated that it is probably a false positive, but would like some clarification if possible -

Malware was found in Rosetta Stone ProgramData folder, but i am pretty sure it is a false positive, can anyone confirm. i trust the rosetta stone software, and i also have the most up to date flash player (from my serches i found that flash player can cause this issue if its not most recent version)

the image that avast is presenting to me



what virus total has to say


i tried moving to chest initially, but Avast wont let me do that. (Edit - i am now able to move it to chest, where do i go from nere re allowing it)

if this is a false positive how do i allow it?

i hope i have provided enough info

any help would be greatly appreciated


:slight_smile: Hi :

When it comes to the use of “Flash Player(s)”, it would be wise to consider
using One of the “Options” suggested by Scott Dunn in his “Flash ads bearing
malware plague popular sites” article available at
http://WindowsSecrets.com/comp/080417 .

If it is indeed a false positive (from the VT results it certainly looks like an FP), see http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=34950.msg293451#msg293451, how to report it to avast! and what to do to exclude them until the problem is corrected.

rosetta is known to have malformed SWF files from our point of view… their files are probably not dangerous, but aren’t correct afaik… kubecj has made an comment few weeks ago, you can try to find it…

thanks very much for the replies guys, its much appreciated