I am using Avast Premium Security (recently auto upgraded from Avast Internet Security) on a Windows 10 64 bits computer.
For these last days, I have been having problems with JDownloader.
This program works fine when I try to download files from “normal” websites.
But when I try downloading from websites like Uploaded.net or RapidGator.net, the system remains blocked.
The files are identified, but the download does not start.
I have now been searching for hours, and I could identify that the only way to unlock the situation is to disable Avast Web Agent.
I came to this conclusion, after several attempts to solve the problem.
Among them:
I tried un- and re-installing Avast (and JDowloader as well!), no luck.
I set both websites & JDownloader as exceptions (*) in Avast parameters, no luck.
thanks for reporting this issue.
Could you please post here link that is not working for you? I managed to download file from https://rapidgator.net/ without any issues.
It is not really RapidGator that is blocked, but rather downloading from RapidGator, using JDownloader.
The link is detected but JDownloader remains blocked when starting to download.
And JDownloader won’t even update itself, if I don’t first disable the Web Agent in Avast.
Then you would say: OK then it is JDownloader that is blocked.
The answer is yes… and no: if JDownloader detects for example a Youtube link, it will download the associated files.
Same thing with anything that is downloadable (does the word exist? ) on a Web page: it will be downloaded using JDownloader, if asked to.
But try to download from RapidGator or Uploaded, etc. and the operation will not go beyond starting the download, and hanging there…
And I still haven’t found what I should allow to unlock the situation, beside temporarily disable The Web Agent, only to start the dowload.
As soon as it is started, I can enable the Web Agent again, the download won’t stop.
All this leads me to think that something, (a port opening?), to start the download, is forbidden to JDownloader by the Web Agent.
sorry for late reply. It took some time to reach rapidgator company and get testing account. Unfortunately your link is not alive anymore so I googled for another one, even larger file and tried to download it and it worked fine with all avast shields enabled.
Can you please try to disable avast shields one by one and try to download any file from rapidgator using jdownloader2 to determine which one is causing the issue?
Oh, one more question. Do you use jdownloader or jdownloader2?
Web Shield is the one that blocks downloading from RapidGator (and Uploaded as well, and maybe others, that I do not use).
It also prevents JDownloader2 from updating itself, as it blocks its connection to the update server (error message: “server is not available”).
After searching for a while, experimenting in several directions, I finally could solve this problem.
I had to go to:
– General
— Troubleshooting
---- Open old settings
----- Components
------ Web Shield
------- Customize
-------- Exclusions
--------- Processes to exclude
And there add:
C:\Users<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\JDownloader 2.0\JDownloader2.exe
It is important to note that simply going to:
– General
— Exceptions
And add there the same line WILL NOT DO THE TRICK!!!
IMHO, this indicates a problem in the management of exclusions & exceptions.
(Or is my configuration completely f.cked up?.. :o )
It should also be noted that the Web Shield log file in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\report will not give any indication of what is going on, even when it is configured to log all types of events.
Which is done by going to:
– General
— Troubleshooting
---- Open old settings
------ Web Shield
------- Customize
-------- Report file
And activating there all “Reported items”.
I would be particularly interested by any comment from Avast staff…