Avast Web Protection

Dear all,

I’m writing because the Web Protection module (sometimes) scans local IPs like the following:

What does this mean?

Thank you in advance.

Are you on a network? Web Shield scans all web pages you visit. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply. What do you mean with this?

Are you running multiple computers from the same server/CPU? IOW in a business setting.
From your last post I’d venture a guess that you are not. :slight_smile:

Which router are you using ?

I’m using a dlink router. And the IP in my first post corresponds to the router IP.

But, why does AVAST check it? And what about ud/?Y (Y can vary, for example it could be one or 5)?.

Thank you for the attention.

avast! checks all internet traffic. The rest of your question will have to be answered by someone else
who knows more about your router.

I use a Dlink router and haven’t experienced this issues before. I’ve had the router for 3 years and it’s never come up like that. Are you sure it’s router related? However, is the default gateway where you can login into your router.
