Avast web shield + Ad Muncher


How to make avast web shield not to scan through ad muncher traffic? :o

That way it lets me save virus files to my computer and i don’t want to shut admuncher down.

maybe u want 2 search the forum, there have already been some threads concerning ad muncher.

Well, I wouldn’t ask if a would have found some solutions but no…

As far as I’m aware avast doesn’t scan ad muncher traffic as it also uses a proxy to do its filtering, so it won’t be using the web shield proxy. The web shield redirects HTTP port 80 traffic and ad muncher isn’t a browser, so it isn’t listed as an approved browser in the web shield, it isn’t opted in, so it shouldn’t be scanned.

So given your second sentence, you actually want avast to scan the ad muncher traffic, yes ?

NO! I don’t want avast to scan ad muncher traffic! Kaspersky, bitdefender etc. scans through ad muncher too but with them I can configure that they won’t scan it but with avast I can’t.

With every detection alert says:
process: c:\programfiles…admunch.exe

but when close admuncher:
process: c:\programfiles…firefox.exe (that is how it should be!)

I don’t want avast scan ad muncher traffic but I don’t know how to configure avast (there is no option).

What avast version are you using 4.8 or 5.0 ?

Sorry but avast doesn’t scan ad muncher traffic using the web shield I say this because there are lots of topic about ad muncher and their complaint is that the avast web shield doesn’t scan the ad muncher traffic, so I have no idea what is going on on your system.

See these topics which show the web shield by default doesn’t scan ad muncher traffic, there are many, many more if you use the forum search for ad muncher in this avast! Free/Pro/Suite particular forum:

So there is no configuration for avast not to scan ad muncher traffic.

Can you post a screen shot of the alert so I can get an idea of what is catching it ?

Well, maybe i’m using version 5, that’s way i’m writing to v5 forum?

Again, have already tried those links and no help.

And take a look at that picture, hope u understand what i mean.

According to the screen-shot, yes, you are using Avast! 5 and its Web Shield checking the internet traffics. As DavidR stated, Web Shield doesn’t support Ad Muncher by default (I checked this current version of Avast! 5 means, Program Version 5.0.462 and Engine and Virus Definitions 100321-1). So, someone must have configured Web Shield for Ad Muncher, which should be clear if you read/understand these posts in DavidR’s post.

However, in the first place, why should you like to download virus files? If you don’t know even what versions are your security applications, I cannot but get rid of an impression that you might be playing with fire… I have to wonder if I am really helping you if I show a way to temporary disable Web Shield. To me, it doesn’t seem to be a good idea…

Aah… I have done that ortin bla bla admunch thing to avast webshield that avast checks http traffic too when ad muncher is on but is there way to make it not to scan through admuncher?

Well, I tried with eicar files how avast works and for the future it could be best if i get best configuration to avast if you can get my point here?

Rumpel, really, please don’t answer to my posts again 'cos you really don’t give any help. You might think this way: ‘customer is always wrong’, you don’t know how to handle customers.

I’m sorry for my above post…

I’m moving back to kaspersky av. And guys, you should check out kaspersky forum how they help people without underestimate customer.

still have to say something.

I am so disappointed to this forum. Avast have make such a great product (version 5) but where is the professional forum support? If u ask something, you get some sh*t answers that don’t help anything.

And back to my problem, believe me, I’m going now with a baby steps…

Installed avast antivirus version 5.0.462 to my windows 7 32 bit OS. DONE!
Updated virus database. DONE!
Added ad muncher to webshield.ini —> c:\programdata…webshield.ini —> OptinProcess=admunch.exe under [WEBSCANNER]. DONE!
And I did above thing 'cos when admuncher was on avast webshield did not work, and now it works. DONE!
Alright, so I tried eicar testfile and avast antivirus version 5.0.462 did scan eicar testfile through admuncher and i was able to save eicar testfile to my computer. BUT when i close admuncher and tried again with eicar testfile it gave blank page (and i think that is how it should be). DONE!

Now I have the problem that avast scans http traffic through admuncher and I’m asking how to make it not scan through admuncher? And is that even possible?

And if somebody knows what can I do now please help!

But if u have solutions like ‘turn avast webshield off’ then…

just 4 clarification: you are not rumpels customer!

And I didn’t know that yet?
It’s just, if u don’t know how to help, then why… Never mind, forget it.

Just mean avast forum support sucks, nothing personal tho!

If I ask someone to help for my problem and only answers is like those what i’ve get, then…
That is not much for help or is it?

And if there is nothing to do then say something like ‘Can’t help you, sorry’ etc. and I have to live with it.

Sorry, have to put this back to up… Anyone got any ideas?
I like this software but that issue is so annoying that I’m gonna change to kaspersky or avira if there is nothing to do.

You said you didn’t want avast to scan ad muncher traffic.

I said that by default it doesn’t.

Yet you say you have added ad muncher to the web shield optin process, thereby having avast scan it.

So I am totally confused, a) by default it shouldn’t be scanned as I said, b) yet you go and add it to the process that will scan the traffic.

As I said in my first post ad munched uses a proxy and so does avasts web shield.

If you didn’t optin ad muncher, then the web shield has nothing to scan (not that it isn’t working) as the ad muncher proxy redirects the traffic to its proxy and the web shield doesn’t see anything as there is effectively no port 80 traffic.

When you opit in ad muncher in the webshield.ini (and uncheck the Ignore local communication. avast Settings, Troubleshooting, Redirect Settings), then you force avast to scan that ad muncher traffic, so I hope you can see why I’m confused.

But the problem is you keep saying you ‘don’t want avast to scan ad muncher traffic’ and I don’t see any way to do that if you also want the protection of the web shield as the two proxies act differently.

Can’t help you, sorry

I see you have not ever try admuncher+avast, try and you’ll see what i’m talking about.

If I don’t add ad muncher avast web ini avast web shield won’t work and i’ve f***ing tested that by myself.

So tell me is there anyway use ad muncher and web shield together for not adding admuncher in web ini?

Although you may not like me to post in your thread, at least, I may be able to clarify your question. However, as for the answer, sorry but I don’t have it.

A short answer. Sorry, I cannot help you.

A long answer. In conclusion, I cannot help you about this but, I think I began to understand your question.

I tested on Eicar test file site and, yes, it appears that eicar.com can be saved if I configure Web Shield to look out the traffics of Ad Muncher. However, please try to execute it. You see the file is broken. So, at least Web Shield seems to be doing its job.

That said, you’d like Web Shield to totally block the file in the first place. So, you probably thought that, if you can let Web Shield look out for the traffic of your browsers, instead of Ad Muncher, it may be able to prevent the file from being downloaded. Personally, I don’t think so since Ad Muncher is nearer to the web site since it tries to check the site for ads before your browsers. Since Web Shield is checking its traffics, it is quicker than both Ad Muncher and your web browser.

Then, you may ask. Well, you’d like to do it in any way. Unfortunately, there is a technical problem. As I monitor it, Ad Muncher seems to occupy various ports as a local proxy and it is almost impossible to make Web Shield to watch out for the traffic between your browsers and Ad Muncher. So, sorry, I don’t have an idea to realize what you seem to want to do. The bright side of this issue is that eicar.com is just an empty file. If you don’t believe it, please check the property of it, you will see it has got 0 byte(!) .

Admuncher ,firefox and avast can only work this way ,and although the save box still shows ,as rumpel said the file is zero bytes and has been neutralized.This seems to be a firefox problem as internet explorer behaves as expected and doesnt behave like firefox