I am running avast! 6.0, and am having a conflict with my CYBERsitter internet filter. If the Web Shield in avast! is turned on, CYBERsitter does not work. The only way I have found to allow CYBERsitter to work is to turn off the Web Shield. Is there a way to configure avast! so that CYBERsitter is not blocked?
Presumably cyber sitter uses a proxy to achieve its filtering ?
If so you need to co-ordinate the proxy port it uses with the web shield.
Thanks. I’m not very tech savvy, so please advise how I would do this or what info I would need to provide to CYBERsitter so they can help me.
Also you need to uncheck the Ignore local communication checkbox in Settings - Troubleshooting - Redirect Settings.
Well I have never used cyber sitter, so I can’t be a great deal of practical help, you need to find out how it works and if it uses a proxy port, which can be added to the redirect ports.
CYBERsitter support advised me they don’t use a proxy port. It runs as a service (SOSNF Filter) on the systems. Is there any way to make this work?
Uncheck the Ignore local communication checkbox in Settings - Troubleshooting - Redirect Settings.
If that doesn’t help, sorry, ask Cybersitter support. Definitely not going to install this application here.
I unchecked the local communications box, but it didn’t help. CYBERsitter said in their communication that they have contacted avast! support in the past to try to resolve this issue with no response. What is the best way for them to contact avast!? Should they post on this board?
Looking at the cyber sitter site and the FAQ, etc. they don’t seen to give much information on how they achieve the filtering.
It seems to me that their recommendation is to disabled other products rather than actually resolve the problem as more and more AVs are going to be monitoring HTTP traffic for malware. Not to mention recommend not using certain products at all for supposed non-communication and recommend an AV product that personally I feel doesn’t provide the same level of protection as avast.
For it to say they have communicated with avast support with no response, flies in the face of what is usual for avast, as can be seen in many such topics about conflicts with other software. It just doesn’t compare with these other instances.
Whilst checking this out I did see one area which did a comparison with other parental control software and cyber sitter didn’t compare that well with other products.
Thanks for looking into this. I will contact CYBERsitter support again. Should I have them contact avast! support or post something on this board?
Well joining in within the topic has been seen with other applications. It would also depend on who they contacted if it was by name or just the support (at) avast (dot) com email address.
They could also try - The new on-line contact form, http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles for: * Sales inquiries; Technical issues; Website issues; Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Press (Media), issues.