Avast will not update

I have bought a computer with Avast 4.7 home edition installed. Registered it successfully, put in the key, but it doesn’t update, not even manually. I’m on dial-up, Win XP, and when connected I get a dialogue box that says something like “unable to update, click here for details” but when I click nothing happens.

I have downloaded the latest update file and tried to run it but get the error message
"Can’t install UPS update,
error codes Ver 4.7.942

SI 0x00000002
LE 0x00000000

Can you help?

0x00000002 = ‘The system cannot find the file specified’
Are you running the update from a limited user account or an account with Admin rights?

No, there is no limit on users.

Do you mean you’re running into an Administrator account?

Sorry, misunderstood. There is an administrator account and a guest account, which were both on the computer when I bought it but were not visible until I looked in the user accounts under control panel.

You seem to be using an account with Administration rights. avast should be able to update…
Can you post the last 100-150 lines of the setup.log file?
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log

Here is the whole file

Many thanks for your efforts! :slight_smile:

21.04.2007 14:40:38.000 1177123238 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4*.*
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH*.*
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HELP*.*
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HtmlData*.*
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\images*.*
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 package Transferred files: 0
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 package Transferred bytes: 0
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 package Transfer time: 0 ms
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 file NeedReboot=false
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 general Return code: 0x20000000 [Something done]
21.04.2007 14:40:44.000 1177123244 general Stopped: 21.04.2007, 14:40:44

21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general Started: 21.04.2007, 22:03:39
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general Running setup_av_pro-3ae (942)
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 system Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 system Computer WinName: PC-4D19113F186B
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 system Windows Net User: SYSTEM
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatevps /verysilent
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general DldSrc set to inet
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general Old version: 3ae (942)
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 system Computer DnsName: pc-4d19113f186b
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 system Computer Ip Addr:
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 package Part prg_av_pro-3ae is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 package Part vps-73500 is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 package Part news-4b is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 package Part setup_av_pro-3ae is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general Old version: 3ae (942)
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 file SetExistingFilesBitmap: 937->145->145
21.04.2007 22:03:39.000 1177149819 general GUID: ce6bda70-b262-4328-99b1-c60b1f9e6ec6
21.04.2007 22:03:40.000 1177149820 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 125 (maintenance:0)
21.04.2007 22:03:40.000 1177149820 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download103 AVAST server’ from ‘main’
21.04.2007 22:03:40.000 1177149820 package GetPackages - set proxy for inet
21.04.2007 22:03:40.000 1177149820 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
21.04.2007 22:03:40.000 1177149820 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
21.04.2007 22:03:45.000 1177149825 general Used server: http://download103.avast.com/iavs4x
21.04.2007 22:03:45.000 1177149825 general Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 125 (maintenance:0)
21.04.2007 22:03:45.000 1177149825 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download44 AVAST server’ from ‘main’
21.04.2007 22:03:45.000 1177149825 package GetPackages - set proxy for inet
21.04.2007 22:03:45.000 1177149825 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
21.04.2007 22:03:45.000 1177149825 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
21.04.2007 22:03:46.000 1177149826 general Used server: http://download44.avast.com/iavs4x
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 general Used server: http://download44.avast.com/iavs4x
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 general Part of license key: W2282558H4200A1106
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package Load C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package LatestPartInfo: news = news-4b
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package LatestPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-3da
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package LatestPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-3da
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package LatestPartInfo: vps = vps-73501
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 general Used server: http://download44.avast.com/iavs4x
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package Part vps-73501 was set to be installed
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package Removed obsolete file part-vps-73500.vpu
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 145 & 145 = 0
21.04.2007 22:03:47.000 1177149827 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 145 & 145 = 0
21.04.2007 22:03:49.000 1177149829 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-73501.vpu - not okay
21.04.2007 22:03:49.000 1177149829 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-73501.vpu - not okay
21.04.2007 22:03:49.000 1177149829 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-73501.vpu - not okay
21.04.2007 22:03:49.000 1177149829 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-73501.vpu - not okay
21.04.2007 22:03:50.000 1177149830 general Used server: http://download44.avast.com/iavs4x
21.04.2007 22:03:50.000 1177149830 package DldPackage: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\vpsm-73501.vpu, returned 0x00000000
21.04.2007 22:03:50.000 1177149830 package Removed obsolete file vpsm-73500.vpu
21.04.2007 22:03:57.000 1177149837 package vps: needs to be updated [073501]
21.04.2007 22:03:57.000 1177149837 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 145 & 145 = 0
21.04.2007 22:03:57.000 1177149837 package Transferred files: 5
21.04.2007 22:03:57.000 1177149837 package Transferred bytes: 1168
21.04.2007 22:03:57.000 1177149837 package Transfer time: 8401 ms
21.04.2007 22:03:58.000 1177149838 internet Sending stats ‘http://download44.avast.com/cgi-bin/iavs4stats.cgi’: 00000000 204
21.04.2007 22:03:58.000 1177149838 file NeedReboot=false
21.04.2007 22:03:58.000 1177149838 general Return code: 0x20000000 [Something done]
21.04.2007 22:03:58.000 1177149838 general Stopped: 21.04.2007, 22:03:58

21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general Started: 21.04.2007, 22:03:59
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general Running setup_av_pro-3ae (942)
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 system Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 system Computer WinName: PC-4D19113F186B
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 system Windows Net User: SYSTEM
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general Cmdline: /refresh /noreboot /updatevps /verysilent
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_INSTALL_PACKAGES
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general Old version: 3ae (942)
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 package Part prg_av_pro-3ae is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 package Part vps-73501 is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 package Part news-4b is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 package Part setup_av_pro-3ae is installed
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general Old version: 3ae (942)
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 file SetExistingFilesBitmap: 937->145->145
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general GUID: ce6bda70-b262-4328-99b1-c60b1f9e6ec6
21.04.2007 22:03:59.000 1177149839 general Entering:UpdateInstallPackages
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package Load C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package LatestPartInfo: news = news-4b
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package LatestPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-3da
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package LatestPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-3da
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package LatestPartInfo: vps = vps-73501
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 145 & 145 = 0
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package FilterOutExistingFiles: 145 & 145 = 0
21.04.2007 22:04:00.000 1177149840 package ArePartsInstallable: 1
21.04.2007 22:04:06.000 1177149846 package vps: updated [073501]
21.04.2007 22:04:06.000 1177149846 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4*.*
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH*.*
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HELP*.*
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HtmlData*.*
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\images*.*
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 package Transferred files: 0
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 package Transferred bytes: 0
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 package Transfer time: 0 ms
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 file NeedReboot=false
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 general Return code: 0x20000000 [Something done]
21.04.2007 22:04:12.000 1177149852 general Stopped: 21.04.2007, 22:04:12

Sorry, the last post was the last 150 lines, obviously not the whole file

Are your system time and date set to 21th of April?
Are these the last files in the log?

Date and time properties are set to today’s date and time

Yes, those are the last 150 or so lines.


Your avast installation seems old 4.7.942. I suggest:

  1. Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
  2. Boot.
  3. Use Avast Uninstall for complete uninstallation.
  4. Boot.
  5. Install again the last 4.7.1001

That worked! Thanks very much. It took over an hour to download on dial-up but it was worth it. I guess it shows the problem of computer vendors installing old versions of software.

You are a legend!

You are welcome 8)