sorry about my english
i am running with snowleopard 10.6.8 and window7 emuled with parallels desktop.
After a bug I had to install again avast.
All seems to be OK but i don’t have anymore the avast window when clicking on avast icon.
Avast speak to me time to time as before, but no more window…:-((
I thank a lot for help
First of all it is not clear to me, if you report a problem with avast! for Mac, or avast! for Windows (installed in the virtual Windows 7 under the Parallels).
Can you please describe the bug which required to reinstall avast?
Assuming you talk about avast! for Mac, we need more info:
- What does it mean “Avast speak to me time to time”? Do you talk about pop-up messages (e.g. when virus database is being updated)?
- Can you check in Finder whether you still have the main application under /Applications?
- Can you send some system logs (/var/log/system.log) etc…?
- Your term “avast icon” refers to main GUI application icon on Dock (if you have it there), /Applications folder or the small black icon in the menu bar on top of the screen?
I am speaking about avast for window.I “use it” when working with window7. I ignore there was a mac version!
I don’t want specially to reinstall it again, i did it twice.
With “avast speak to me time to time” i talk about the pop-up messages (about virus data base).That is working very well !
Yes avast is in finder with others applications
I don’t know where to find any logs
About icône i refer to my icône in the menu bar.It’s an orange one. By clicking on it I opened the avast window.
After my last reinstallation an other icon appears in my mac dock.
Thanks again to you
[s]This forum is dedicated for the avast! for Mac.
Problems related to avast! for Windows (even if used in virtual environment) should be posted to this forum:
You should find much more people who can help you there.[/s]
EDIT: This post is not valid anymore. I have moved the forum from avast! for Mac forum here.