Well… I don’t think we have to had a key there to be recognized…
The problem is that for a week to now, I’ve Googled a lot and have never find a solution for it…
I can’t believe I’m the only one on the Earth with this problem… there is not a direct solution for reinstalling or restarting the detection :-\
I think the Registry key does not help (or mess) anything on detection…
I’ve tried the way posted here: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/repairwmi.htm
I thought it would be the solution… but, no way.
I have to overinstall Windows, then take 69 updates :
It’s ridiculous stay without other solution for that
Personally I would have given up in this quest a long time ago and opted to monitor it myself. However, I know you aren’t looking at this just for yourself, but also for others as this is such a common problem with WSC, one that you would think MS is aware of, but nothing conclusive from MS.
Is it possible that those 14 registry entries are like “place holders” for security products that use automatic detection while the rest (using manual detection) just write their normal entries to be searched out by WSC? If that’s the case then the solution to this problem might be to change the way avast! is detected but that can’t be changed at the user level.
The user has always the freedom of doing that…
Just that seems pathetic that there is no other option…
Maybe… but the entries are empty, seems difficult to provide any info for automatic detection.
If this was truth, it will be easy to get back avast detection…
I wish this could be true… but, maybe, avast team has any other option to restart WSC detection.
Again, I can’t find a solution instead of overinstallation… but they’re very good on programming and know Windows a lot…
Maybe they have any other suggestion…