Just a quick question, does Avast run smoothly with the new Comodo Internet Security version 5 (without antivirus component)?
thankyou all for your time
Just a quick question, does Avast run smoothly with the new Comodo Internet Security version 5 (without antivirus component)?
thankyou all for your time
I’m using CIS but in a complete different system than avast, i.e., full CIS (with antivirus).
I see no reason for them to live together. There is nothing on Comodo forum about them (as far I’ve found…).
if anyone else has a similar setup to me I would like to know your experiences, as I am holding off making the leap to CIS V5 for a few weeks
thanks again Tech for your quick response, I am very greatful
You might be disappointed running Comodo on a Celeron 1.30Ghz, 1Gb ram, Windows XP SP3 32-bit.
Is it XP Home or Pro. ???
CIS (without anti-virus) works fine for me on a similar system, but slightly faster processor, with Defense + enabled. As far as firewalls go, it’s one of the best – free or not. There’s a slight learning curve but once you get past that it runs trouble free with very few pop-ups.
sorry should have said this is for another of my systems which has much more powerful components, so system specs aren’t a worry
I’m using comodo firewall and avast! free antivirus and it works flawlessly for me.
They played nicely from the comodo 5’s beta stage.
Spec: Win 7 32 bit core 2 duo 1,3Ghz 2GB RAM