I’ve got two networked computers running Windows 7. I was having trouble accessing files in my HomeGroup, so I checked my Firewall settings, and saw that HomegGroup was blocked. So I unblocked it. But I still couldn’t access my files, so I downloaded Microsoft’s “Fix It” diagnostic thingy for Windows Firewall. It told me that Windows Firewall “cannot be set as the default firewall… because you are using Avast! Internet Security”. Now, the problem there (apart from it screwing up my HomeGroup) is that I’m using Avast! free which doesn’t include a firewall, so if my default firewall program hasn’t got a firewall, that means I haven’t got a firewall.
And also my HomeGroup still doesn’t work, but that’s somewhat less important than not having a firewall.
Iobit are an untrustworthy company so that would be the first thing for me to be removed, it’s malware and spyware scanning technologies are probably going to conflict with the correct operation of avast as well.
I’ve run scans with both, sometimes even simultaneously, and have never encountered any conflicts on either end. But more to the point, it isn’t a firewall program. I don’t see how it could be interfering with any firewalls.
I don’t know what you mean by “just corporate espionage” as that for me an most others would be the hook-line and sinker decider for whether there junk came anywhere near a system that I have access to.
As for the firewall issue maybe Iobit has screwed up something in the registry :-\
I don’t care about the feuds, rivalries and skullduggery between companies. That’s their business. Let them handle their own internal politics. I just care if the product works.
Frankly, I think it would be better for everyone’s security if the bastards just shared their virus definitions with each other, but I know that’s never going to happen.
Now, can we discuss the actual issue I was having which lead me to start this thread? I’d rather that be resolved before this thread devolves into a flame war.
Maybe you should care as if people don’t take a stand against these practices then they just continue there sneaky behaviour, and only caring whether the product works! well that has yet to be decided as it more than likely what has messed up your system.
It might pay for you to run the OTL program from the viruses and worms section then supply the log back here for one of the experts to look over.
May I chime in? The Windows AIS firewall do “not” conflict with each other. They work well side by side.
I agree with craigb in that I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find IObit is causing the problem.
IObit is not to be trusted at all!
“Windows Firewall cannot be set as the default firewall. This problem may be occuring because of an existing Group Policy or because you are using the avast! Internet Security firewall program. If you want to use Windows Firewall, exit the troubleshooter, uninstall the other firewall program, and then run this troubleshooter again.”
I’m asking about avast! because the troubleshooter specifically told me that avast! was the cause, in such a way as to suggest that this is a common problem. It specifically mentioned avast!, and no other security program as one of two possible causes, which would mean that not only do they, in fact, conflict, but the conflict only occurs with avast! and not security programs in general. I don’t have any Group Policies, so by process of elimination, avast! is causing the problem.
In fact, I’d already mentioned this. So can we please address the actual problem instead of quarreling about brand loyalty?
As I already mentioned please run the tools suggested from the Viruses and Worms board http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 as I suspect Iobit has messed up your registry or removed a critical file.
Another question would be have you ever used the trial upgrade or installed AIS ?
AIS is “Avast Internet Security” if you have ever had AIS installed it is possible that there might be firewall drivers remaining which you would see in Device Manager ( click View and show hidden devices )
I have read you previous post which is why I replied and my thoughts and suggestions still stand relevant.
Yes and which also comes in the trial upgrades and if your windows is telling you that the default firewall cannot be activated because it thinks you have AIS installed then it sounds like you may have trialled AIS at some point and never uninstalled it correctly :-\