Avast won't start - help!

Out of the blue my computer told me Avast needs to reboot (Win7, don’t know Avast version)

So I reboot, now Avast opening screen just says ‘Loading…this shouldn’t take long’ and the interface shows I have no virus cover

What is going on?

First of all try to repair the antivirus.
Then, if that didn’t work, uninstall and reinstall Avast.

If these solutions didn’t work, please give me a reply.

I tried the repair but it made no difference, will now try ununstall and reintstall

A complete uninstall and reinstall seems to have worked so far, but I still have no idea what happened. a full virus scan showed nothing

Sometimes Avast does an emergency update along with a virus definitions update which requires a restart to take effect. I can only guess that must may have been what you encountered and got corrupted. If you have now done a clean install and a full virus scan without issues, then you should be good to go.