avast won't start

Q: There´s a red circle on avast! a-ball icon in system tray and when I click on it, the error message appears saying “the AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error”. How to fix this?

A: First, use Windows Update to be sure that the RPC service is up to date. Then restart your computer and check if the problem persists. If it persists, follow these instructions:

  1. Right-click the icon MY COMPUTER and select MANAGE.
  2. In left column unroll SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS.
  3. Click on SERVICES.
  4. In the right column, look at the state of services avast! Antivirus and Remote Procedure Call (RPC).
  5. If any of these services isn´t set to start automatically, set it that way (right-click it and select PROPERTIES and the STARTUP TYPE set to AUTOMATIC).
  6. Restart the computer.

This solution works on Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 only.

i did these steps but still did’t work i checked for virus with avast cleaner nothing, and did worm search with symatec’s fix blast nothing, any solutions?

Some AVs leave behind registry keys and other data, even after an uninstall a registry checker/cleaner may find any redundant entries.

Did (or do) you have another AV installed, if so what was/is it and how was it removed?

A search for “AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error” (with the quotes) returns 2 pages of hits.

and no i don’t have another av installed guessing u meaning another anti-virus program, and i did try uninstall and try repair option on control panel did’t work

You’ve said that you had Symantec: did worm search with symatec’s fix blast.
Maybe you’re talking of a standalone removal tool.

Which firewall do you use? and any other security application like Process Guard, etc.?

is the standalone removal tool not good? and i use firewall that came with win xp, not sure but suddenly happened few days ago avast would’t start at start up.

No… I just asked because if it was not the standalone you’ll get a conflic with avast. You can’t have two antivirus at the same time.
But the standalones should be the exactly ones for the specific virus/infection. Where did you get the standalone removal tool?