Avast! workstation, don't connect my server Avast! small office administratio


I have Avast! small office administration in my server, when I do discovery new computer, I found it, and deployment, avast! is installed in the workstation, but when I check the computer in the option network, I see the computer in Black icon, and in the workstation went installed the version trial.

I turn off Firewall in the workstation.
I can Ping my server to my workstation and vice versa.

I have this problem in some computer.

Thanks a lot

Hi and welcome,
can you tell to us the SOA version and the avast client version?
All the previous security software was uninstalled?

I am having this same issue. It works though when the computers are on the same subnet. If we deploy to another subnet, the license file and protections settings do not go to those computers. The other subnets are connected via vpn.

We are using SOA with database version 1450.

I’m guessing the server has the advanced firewall set to allow connections on the avast management port only from the local subnet.

I checked that but everything is open. It looks like when Avast installs, it adds the necessary ports to the allowed list.

Ok, I’ll take it a step back. I trust that you have a rule in your firewall (assume firewall = VPN endpoint) to allow the avast port to be accessed from clients connected?

The locations are connected over an IPsec vpn connection. This connection does not block any ports at this time.