_avast5_ folder

Location: C:\Windows\Temp_avast5_
I’ve found out that Avast Web Shield stores temporary files here for some reason. Those temporary files are being detected by other AV’s (on-demand).

What is the purpose of this? I thought Avast Web Shield aborts the connection?

welcome to the forum.

what other program detects that avast folder as a threat?

it most be a false threat.

I think avast is collected information on the websites you have been visiting there, not 100% so let wait and see if someone else on this forum can give a better explanation on it if mine is wrong.

Its purpose is plain, that is where the http port 80 traffic is scanned before being allowed to be saved into the browser cache if clean. If a detection is made, the connection is dropped and the file in the temp folder is cleared.

This is also where other shields unpack files that are to be scanned, so what you are seeing is a conflict between two scanners. You say this is an on-demand scan by another AV (which one), now the problem is that when you run another scan, that forces avast to actually scan that file first (duplication of scanning).

Now that avast5 folder once avast has scanned its files, the unp*****.tmp files is cleared so there shouldn’t be anything in it for another AV to scan on an on-demand scan. So I would have to question if this is truly an on-demand AV (why we have asked what it is) or why this folder isn’t being cleared by avast after a scan. The most common cause of this I believe is hooking by another security application so they are locked and avast can’t clear them.

I’m seeing the same thing. Every day for the past few days when I run HitMan Pro on-demand it finds these unp*.tmp files in c:\windows\temp\avast5_\ and says they are suspicious.

Avast hasn’t aborted any port 80 connections recently due to malware, and hasn’t reported finding any malware anywhere.

I have SpyBot running with SD helper and TeaTimer enabled and also have Windows Defender running.

I recently starting running Firefox in the Avast sandbox but it was several days after starting this that I began seeing HitMan Pro reporting these temp files as suspicious.

It looks like that I should just ignore what HitMan is saying, but I wonder why these temp files are not being deleted by Avast if indeed they are part of port 80 scans.

I do delete them and its dont harm anything to me. And of course some will say its suspicious and if they are then send them a email by saying its a false positive and if they dont want to correct it then ignore it. :wink: avast! isnt there to steal you something or what ever. They are there to protect you.

False positives of HitMan Pro. That are legit and clean avast files.

The free version is an antivirus, not a firewall. It does not block connections. It scans only.

@ MossyRock
As I said it isn’t only the web shield but all avast shields/resident scanners that use this folder to scan files if they need unpacking, etc.

So not having aborted connections recently isn’t the only related to port 80 http traffic scans. Essentially you should exclude the avast5 folder from other security scans.

Actually I do have Immunet Protect 2 Beta which did interfere with it. It’s supposed to be officially compatible with Avast. Some of my on-demand scanners also detected them though.

Deleted the temporary files and added avast5 folder to exclusions. Thanks!

No problem, glad I could help.

Whilst Immunet Protect 2 Beta is meant to be compatible with avast, it is still resident and could well be hooking the temporary files in the avast5 folder, blocking avast. So excluding avast5 in Immunet Protect 2 Beta should hopefully resolve that.

Welcome to the forums.

Problem is resolved. No more temporary files that stays in the folder.


“The free version is an antivirus, not a firewall. It does not block connections. It scans only.”

I have the paid version, and the web shield was what I was referring to with regard to aborting connections when malware is detected.

Thanks for all of the info. I will exclude this avast temp folder from on-demand scans.