Avast7 - Win7 - not spam ckecking on Tbird emails for me - any answers?

Just upgraded from Avast 6 (free) to trial Avast 7 pro. Running Win7x64 SP1.
All seems to be working well, except the e-mail spam analysis/checking - which is why I am looking at PRO!
I am using Thunderbird (called Earlybird - it’s Beta) 12.02a.

On the Additional protection / Antispam page of user interface, shows no evidence of checking any emails, reports:

E-mails analyzed / marked as spam 0 / 0.

I have, however, been getting e-mails in - so why is Avast not analyzing?

Did have e-mail set for TLS, then turned it off - no security - still no analyzing.

Any suggestions, anyone?

Thanks Logos - did wonder about that a little - strikes me strange that Avast doesn’t work with Tbird, etc - because anyone smart enough to use Avast, is probably too smart to use Outlook!..

And yes, I use gmail personally - but Tbird is my new e-mail POP machine for our small business (after about 14 yrs with Eudora), where e-mail is addressed to ourdomain.com - any way to filter that through gmail filters?

;D … don’t have much expectation about the anti-spam module, it was built for outlook and has hardly any impact on mail clients like Thunderbird. It’s not even able to move mails to the junk folder in thb, just tag some mails with “spam” inserted in the topic section and that’s it. I’ve always de-activated this anti-spam module, if you don’t have outlook, it’s completely useless.

ps: not mentioning that Thb itself has very good anti-spam features if you activate them.

Echo logos comment.

I fetch all my e-mail accounts to gmail (good spam filters), then fetch that to Tbird.

No spam problem.

yeah, Gmail has the best spam filters anyway :wink: