avastd not starting

I downloaded the beta today and went and got dazuko. I installed dazuko and got that working first with the 2.6.0 release version of the kernel.

Then I installed avast without too much trouble. I’m running Gentoo and it didn’t recognize the linux version (no surprise to me I’m use to it :slight_smile: ) so I did as the install docs suggest and copied over the init.d files to my /etc/init.d directory. When I try loading it up with /etc/init.d/avastd start I get no error but also get no daemon running either.

The startup script is quite a piece of work and fairly complicated so before I go changing it and tearing it to bits to get this to run is there something I’m missing here? All environment variables, etc are in place and even the update script works fine to get the latest dat file.

Oh and the dazuko version I’m using is the 2.0.0 pre5 not that it matters because the ondemand scanner is disabled in this avast beta currently.


I’ll try tol fix all these problems during next week.

im looking on getting avast running on gentoo also, its just there init script so there gotta be a way to rewrite it to work.

looks like there trying to use the daemon @

gentoo uses

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec

going to try this and see if it works

cannot get the application avastd nor avastguard to run at all. even manually

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --exec /usr/sbin/avastd


start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --exec /usr/sbin/avastguard



looking in the error log files /var/log/avast/avastd

and theres nothing in it, but it is generated. looks like it just opens then dies :confused:

Here are my gentoo startup script samples.


depend() { use net after logger }

start() {
ebegin “Starting avastd”
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/avastd
eend $?

stop() {
ebegin “Stopping avastd”
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/avastd.pid
eend $?


depend() { use avastd after logger }

start() {
ebegin “Starting avastguard”
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/avastguard – -o -i/home -l/var/log/avast4/avastguard
eend $?

stop() {
ebegin “Stopping avastguard”
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/avastguard.pid
eend $?

I have litle problem, i don’t know if i copy corectlly to directory licence. I copy to “/var/lib/avast4/lics” and it dosen’t start. whot should i do.

i use debian distribution

/var/lib/avast4/License.dat is the default location, but also look at /etc/avastengine.conf file