Avastis the best one out there,BUT doesn't complety cover XP

I believe Avast is the best antivirus going,but my computer kelp misbehaving I run a full scan every day for five days,and avast kelp saying no problems,so i downloaded a malware program called asquare,and updated it,then run a full scan,and low,and behold two virus,and three traces showed up,waited three days,and updated it,then run a full scan again,and a very dangerous virus showed showed up,what I’m saying most antivirus programs don’t support xp any more,they write for vista,and windows seven…even if avast is the best,you need too run a different helper program too be safe…which one is your choice,but run a good one…regards tony and yes i have the right version,but it’s still listed as asquare where i downloaded it,then it updated too emsisoft,one virus high risk was called aolddailer.dill,soon,as i saw i could i deleted the others.

Asquared? Isn’t it not even called that anymore, I thought Emsisoft changed the name to EAM, are you sure you even used a current program?


just so you are not misinformed, they also don’t completely cover Vista,7, or 2K either. But then, no program does. 100% is a good goal…but its one of those things like the war on crime/drugs, etc., a war you can’t totally win.

But advice to run more security programs on XP vs. Vista/7? Yeah, can’t argue with that. But I’d say that is more because of OS age, plus Vista/7 has more native security, than anything to do with antivirus programmers. Heck, whats missing on XP vs. Vista/7 with Avast!? …the desktop gadget. No security loss there.

As Pondus says, no antivirus is 100%.

Why install the actual program when you could scan via the web? A-squared is no longer, it is now Emsisoft. If you got your download from anywhere else, it might be suspect.

http://www.eset.com/us/online-scanner/ or even http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/ax/ would do. However, ESET is known for false positives, and Emsisoft may be similar, so take the results with a grain of salt.

Suggest following the guide posted as follows, and wait for a malware specialist to assist you http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 Attach all logs run, but wait for essexboy or jeffce to come into play before attempting to clean or remove the infection(s). What is needed is to see the current state of your system as it is; make no changes without expert guidance.

@ tony7
You could give some information on what it actually found, file name, location and malware name ?

I’ve used Comodo and AVG free in the past. There is no such thing as a silver bullet in virus protection–paid or free. I run Malwarebytes at least every two weeks–sometimes weekly–along with Spybot and other programs like Clamwin. I even run Win2K on my desktop…carefully.
