Avast's StartUp Entry Can easily be diabled by TuneUp Utilities

Hi I have already reported this another thread but that thread has already been burried. ;D ;D
I wanna report the avast team that the avast! start up loading can easily be stopped by using TuneUP Utilities Start Up Manager. Some one please try this out. So I think If Tune can do this then any malware can also do it. :-* :-*
Earlier when I used to do this on version 5.1.889 it used to say ACCESS DENIED.
Can anybody explain it??? ??? ??? ??? ???

A corrupted install, maybe?

The avast GUI entry:

"C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\avastUI.exe" /nogui


I can disable it via ccleaner, too. But I dont think it can disable avast completely. Only the GUI(avastUI.exe) should not start, right?

Disabling this doesn’t disable Avast at all, just the tray icon won’t start automatically.

not a corrupt install man… :o :o
Do one thing na you yourself try the Tuneup utilities startup manager and try the things.
I have installed it several times, and I dont think its a corrupt install as my Outpost log file scanning problem has already went awway…
My suggestion is to just give it a try

has anybody tried it??? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope cause apparently no one uses TuneUp Utilities. So we can’t test this but i suggest you go to avast’s settings and in the troubleshooting section make sure that enable avast! self-defense module is selected. Should be selected by default though.

Yes self defense is active and avast can not be disable from task manager but by changing that registry entry mentioned above avast does not load at system start up.


Well i tried with Autoruns and i can’t remove the startup entry however if i run it as admin user i can disable it.

The startup entry of the UI can indeed be removed and this will be fixed in the next program update.
The entries for services and drivers (which provide the actual protection) cannot be removed.


Thanks for the update Vlk !

Thanks vlk
Actually I reported this problem from beta itself but nobody listens.
Thank you so much…