avastWEBforum is not accessible

My home PC is equipped with Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Premium (32-bit).

When I am surfing your avastWEBform <forum.avast.com> through Google Chrome v27.0.1453.116, I have the following error message recently:

“An error has occurred!
Sorry, Guest, you are banned for using this forum! This ban is not set to expire”.

Same problem did occur to Mozilla Firefox v22.0 these few days, but I am glad to note that your website has been back to normal beyond my knowledge.

Will you please look into the matter? Any remedial action is highly appreciated.

Please check your IP address when you get this message.

Thank you for your prompt response.

When I am clicking on “check your IP address”, it is connected to a website TopWebConcepts.com. Does this mean that the link is misdirected, or likewise?

Well, by “check your IP address” I meant - open a console and run ipconfig to find out what IP address you use.
Anyway, if the problem is already gone, there’s no point in trying, because we wouldn’t find anything.

Hi, igor

Thank you for your directive.

I am pleased to say that avastWEBforum is normally accessible through Google Chrome after the latter has been re-installed. Suspect that there is an “unknown problem” on my home PC.

A. Chung