AVG gets avast's signatures but avast get avg's?

One question like AVG gets avast’s signatures.
Is Avast also get the AVG’s signatures.
why i am asking because Avast only gets avg’s BB/IDP
otherhand AVG all detection via Avast’s signatures also EVO-Gen.
Can you talk to the avast team about this.
I have not seen any avg detection on avast other then Avast BS. :slight_smile:

Both Avast and AVG use the same VPS.

The signatures of both have been merged. (i.e Avast get AVG signatures and vice-versa).

Can you post a pic of Avast on AVG signatures?

What do you mean…? ???

I think he is on about malware naming conventions, there may be distinctions on what a detection of the same malware might give. You only need to look at virus total to see the mass of different names given to the same detection.

Who knows. But even if so, I’m still wondering which pic/screenshot he’s after…?

I am asking screenshot of avg detections signeture for avast antivirus.If the signatures of both have been merged.

Sorry, I still don’t get it. There are no screenshots.

Ok. :slight_smile:

The only time there could be a screenshot would be if an avast user had a malware detection and it happened to be using an AVG malware name. Even then the user would have to have taken a screenshot (and subsequently post it).

Why Avast uses 2 product with the same database? Why not make only one product? What advatange has AVG over Avast and Avast over AVG? And which i should choose?

This has been asked and answered on a number of occasions.

People don’t like change if you introduced just one AV product immediately after avast purchased avg, you hack off both avast and avg users, who made their choice of AV.

We prefer to keep the brands separate for now. It’s nothing unusual…See AEG/Electrolux, VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat etc…

So, is Avast the Audi or the Skoda…?? ;D :wink:

Bentley! ;D . No, really we are more like Skoda - for mass population.

  1. Nice try Martin, maybe later on. :wink:
  2. Well, a wise answer… 8)

Well,there is something from avg that I am seeing very often while searching for samples.

Win32:DH-A1 or Win32:DH-A2 are detection names from avg looks more like some heuristics .I am typing this on my phone.I will attach a screenshot of it tomorrow.

We have also seen a few FPs in the forums related to this one Win32:DH-A1.

Win32:DH-A1 or Win32:DH-A2 are detection names from avg looks more like some [b]heuristics[/b] .
That is correct. A1 and A2 are variations, not sure what that means. Got it from Milos

Harmless FP is a good thing means they are improving the detection :wink:

I couldn’t quite find threads about the detection from the search function might be because I am on the phone.

It seems like some AI Heuristic detection from AVG.Picks up some of my undetected samples quite regularly. :slight_smile:

Btw,thanks for info pondus.Interesting stuff guys.
