Avira pulls off the dirtiest trick on Avast!

Avira performed the most dirtiest and lowest trick of all time. They redirected the domain of avast.eu to their own website only to pick up the sales of their faulty product Avira Antivir 10 which is slow and buggy. I am a Community Member at the Avira Support Member and I am very embarassed at the situation Avira has got inself into. I am ashamed of ever bieng ssociated with Avira. They have ignored calls and emails from the Avast CEO to rectify this mistake. To see the dirtiest AV trick, just goto http://www.avast.eu and you will be redicted to the Avira website. This lures many users looking for Avast to the dirty web lured by Avira. What rubbish! Avira must have a valid explanation for this and must make a public apology to Avast! or this will get dirtier. Avira has completely broken my trust.




http://forum.avira.com/wbb/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=109631 [Link not accessible for everyone]

You left out the important part. According to Vince Steckler, Avast CEO, Avira is doing this DELIBERATELY possibly to beef up its sales. Steckler states in his Avast Blog today that Avast has contacted Avira REPEATEDLY about this and Avira has refused to do anything.

Did he also said that Alwil is holding antivir.cz since years

If they wanna have avast.eu, maybe they are interested in an exchange of both domains. Okay, I can’t speak for Avira on this topic but I really can imagine that Tjark Auerbach would agree to this deal.

i don’t understand, if they are really sure about their product they must gain the trust in professional way, not like this.

just like stealing candy in the kid.

i wonder some of my friend told me that avira and avast is one :o >:(

now i see what they say. i hope this will be fix because i told my friend you must re install your browser maybe it is a bug. ;D

I guess they don’t like guests on their forum either to see what is going on, see image.

You can’t enter that area because that is a restricted area for Community Members only. I can view the thread as I am logged in as Community Membr in the Avira Support forum. But I can post the entire post if you like in this forum!

I am logged in as Community Membr in the Avira Support forum. But I can post the entire post if you like in this forum!

::slight_smile: you are spy if you do that ;D

I don’t really need to have a look, if they feel so insecure as to block access to their support forum why should I care.

But it does speak volumes in relation to their use of avast.eu for what would be considered underhand/desperate measures, what do they have to hide on their forums ;D

You only have to look at the number of guests browsing the forums, no restrictions to people seeking information without having to register, jump through hoops, see image.

I totally support Avira in this regard

Because Avast also does this trick with http://www.antivir.cz


Let us first make our hands clean before blaming others

Don’t we have some similar area here…? :wink:

@Chris maybe you need to read this.


chris you mean they are using each other? ::slight_smile: :o

@ bong

Yes >:(

That http://www.antivir.cz was owned by avast.

Read here.


Isn’t Avast.eu owned by Avira?

I am a devout Avast fan but I will always stand with the truth

ok thanks chubalz!

Welcome bro.

We have same place. ;D

Thanks :-* :-*

Yes we do but it isn’t called a Community which I would have expected to include everyone and it wasn’t mentioned in your original post (you have now edited) that it wasn’t open to all :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: ilike this line :wink:

History notes. Some may notice that we do use the domain www.antivir.cz here in the Czech Republic when Antivir is also the name of one of Avira’s products. “Antivir” is simply the Czech equivalent of “antivirus”. Similarly, www.antivirus.com is owned by Trend Micro. We registered the names www.antivir.com and www.antivir.cz in 1997 and for many years used these domain names. A couple of years ago Avira wanted the name www.antivir.com and we struck an agreement to transfer that name to them. However, we kept the www.antivir.cz as it is merely the Czech equivalent of www.antivirus.cz.