avst!4 home and hotmail

Is there a way to configure avast!4 home for scanning my hotmail e-mail account?
Please help me!!!

Currently avast doesn’t scan web based (http) email, I don’t know if that is likely to change in the near future. It is not using the pop3 protocol and as such is not scanned by the Mail scanner.

The thread below can provide more info, you can also use the search button at the top of every page and enter ‘hotmail’ without the quotes and this will bring up much more.


I use another program MailWasher pro to filter spam and any other unwanted email on my hotmail account. The beauty of this is that it examines the email at source (on the hotmail server) without downloading it. You can then delete those you have selected from the server and download the rest using your email program.

You could also forward your hotmail to one of your pop3 email accounts and then these would be scanned by the normal mail scanner.

Unfortunate but that’s the reality.

HTH David

Any hotmail message (email) is scaned by Standard Shield when browser downloads the message files into browsers cache. Also hotmail has a McAfee based scaner for attachements,so its kinda very secure (because its doublechecked by McAfee and than by avast!'s Standard Shield)

Hi RajZor,

Thanks for the further information, it certainly is helpful knowing that Standard Shield is there in reserve, even though it’s pre-scanned by mcafee ;D


Yes your right,
mcafee needs all the help it can get. ::slight_smile:

Yep, as a recent ex-McAfee user, I agree with Bob! ;D