AYUDA!!! me sale constantemente un cartel que dice amenaza bloqueada…TODO EL DIA, pagina tras pagina, no se que hacer o que desactivar. es constante, pase el antivirus y no detecta nada en la pc, pero pagina tras pagina me sale el cartel de amenaza bloqueada…que debo hacer? :-\
HELP!!! I constantly get a sign that says locked threat … ALL DAY , page after page , not to do or disable . is constant , pass the virus and does not detect anything on the pc , but page after page I get locked threat poster … what should I do ?
HELP!!! I constantly get a sign that says locked threat … ALL DAY , page after page , not to do or disable . is constant , pass the virus and does not detect anything on the pc , but page after page I get locked threat poster … what should I do ?