I cant seem to get rid of this virus…I downloaded Avast4 Home today as my last antivirus didnt seem to be much good. However, ive ran avast and it does clear up a lot of infected files but it doesnt seem to do anything about backdoor.hacdef.c.
I’ve tried downloading spybot and various other things to remove it but it doesnt let me download them and shuts down my browser (i.e and mozilla) It also hides certain files on my pc and from what i’ve read on the web this is a common thing but as of yet i’ve found to remedy. Im currently using win98 on the same machine as it doesnt seem to affect this but its driving me crazy in winxp.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated…
Ps - the related file is hxdefdrv.sys found in the windows directory. I previously used AVG6 to detect and remove it but everytime i restart my pc it comes back…
Eternally grateful to anyone who can help me on this!!!
<----------- pps - why am i a llama?
hi, this is particularly nasty one . look what one person had to go through http://www.lurkhere.com/forum768.html but if u aint got the time go for a trend micro housecall
I couldnt actually find a and threads on that link you gave me about what someone else had to go through…
Anyway, i tried that online test thing and it came up with 2 viruses but neither had anything to do with this one.
Also, i cant run regedit either as it just gets shut down/dassapears as soon as i open it. I’ve been told by someone else that I cant get rid of this virus by using any cleaner or AV software as it hides itself and because I am already infected…but he doesnt know how to get rid of it either…
thanks again, any help is much appreciated!!!
please read here:
and follow the red links; the instructions by TREND, McAfee & Symantec are usually the most helpful
Also read general removal advice here:
If you have sensitive data on your PC, you should consider setting it up from scratch:
backup, format C: and WIN-reinstall with WinUpdates applied OFFLINE or behind firewall…
→ As your system is compromised = not secure any more…
At least change all our passwords., PINs, onlinebanking data etc & secure your system better…
i,ll give it another try http://www.lurkhere.com/cgi-bin/forums/dcboard.cgi?az=read_count&om=647&forum=DCForumID6 and see if that one doesn`t get you there , It started off looking like a modified rootkit invasion but turned out to be a virus ( java bytever.a) and the fix was at WWW.housecall.antivirus.com hope this is of help,not sure if theirs was .c or not but its worth a read anyway
Hi there,
Thanks for all your help guys but i still dont seem to be rid of it…even with the help of some other guys from another forum…
I’ve decided to reformat my hard drive but only the part with winxp installed on it as i have it partitioned (thank god)!!!
These now seems the obvious solution…I just feel sorry for anyone who gets this bast**d of a virus.
I guess it serves me right for not havin all the security patches for winxp but at least i will be able to get them now!!
Once again thanks for all your help you two!!
no problems ,hope to hear from you again in happier times. 8)
wow, I reformatted my hard drive, downloaded all the security patches etc and my pc is running more smoothly that ever before!!!
Just looking for the drivers for all my stuff now!!
cheers dudes!!
nice to hear , dont think just a/virus is enough though get a firewall , and some resident shields as well like spywareblaster and spywareguard , all free programs from the links at top of page in general forum
yeah my mate gave me ad aware, ad watch, that spybuster thing, spybot etc so i think i should be ok for a while!
anyway thanks for all your help!