Backup app for Samsung Tab S2

I can’t seem to find Avast Backup for Samsung Tab S2 on the Google Play store. The backup tab on is grayed out for this device. Is there a version available for my tablet? If not, when will it be released?

Before posting, please (re)search.

Thanks for the reply. I did search for my device; apparently my mistake was assuming that the existence of a forum called “Avast Backup for Android” would imply that such a product actually exists.

If this platform supports “sticky” messages, it would be a good idea to put one on this forum, as well as appropriate messaging on


The product did exist, but has been withdrawn.
Same goes for the root version of anti-theft.

If avast would make it a “sticky”, there would be a lot of “stickies” which will defeat the purpose of them.

I agree that avast should communicate things better.
Over the years it has become really worse.

It is not hard to program a pop-up or something with a little explanation/information if someone tries to use the backup function.