Bad Behavior: Secure Browser Aggressive Takeover

Downloaded and reinstalled ASB after the “takedown” of my computer due to the Window 10 update and avast AV conflict. Lucky for me, despite the clean install, many files were saved including files (but not so lucky in that several programs were lost, the most costly being an older full version of MS Office that i can no longer find the disc for) on my desktop with my favorites/bookmarks in them for import and export to different browsers. As a habit in the last several years i have never picked a default browser. Today i was forced to- thanks to Avast.

I used ASB only for certain websites and chose not to import bookmarks, adding only those sites i would use it for as i visited them. Despite making that choice, on restart, the files with bookmarks in them were “captured” by ASB. Bad behavior I think. In order to wrest control of those files from ASB i designated a different browser as default and the files returned to their original state. Now i have a default browser forced on me by Avast.

Then,just a short time ago, this morning on start up, ASB Opened itself despite it not being the default browser. May be my bad as i did not monitor the express install and make any choices as it was loading up and did not fully review the settings immediately following install, but no other browser i have ever installed did that, and i have tried most of the popular ones. Firefox, Opera, Comodo Dragon, Chrome, IE/Edge, and a couple of lesser knowns.
I went into settings to find that it was already chosen to automatically open on start up. More Bad behavior i think.

As a long time past user of Avast AV and the Safe Zone browser, I can say that in the last 5 days the Avast reputation has been badly corroded.

Every system has a default browser. If you didn’t pick one, it’s defined by the OS (either IE or Edge).

Is that your attempt at excusing Avast BAD Behavior?
You are right about the default browser, Edge. It will always be that for dealing with windows and MS:
Given that, It makes the bad behavior even more atrocious! You have made the point of the aggressive action by Avass to take ownership of folders that would by all rights belong to the default browser.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to excuse anyone/anything.
However, I can’t reproduce/confirm your issue here.
But feel free to wait for one of the guys with W10.