"Bad MD5 Signature"?

For the past several days, I’ve been receiving the following error message when trying to update Avast:

“The received VPS has wrong MD5 signature: ---------LongHashNumber---------
(should be ---------DifferentLongHashNumber---------).”

Any ideas on what might be causing this, and suggestions on fixing it?

FWIW, I’m running a registered version of Avast Version 2.74R0 (ServiceKit 1.41) on OS X 10.4.11, with all patches up to date.


I would first try to perform a repair installation, if avast under OS X offers this operation. If not or this does not fix the problem, you can try uninstalling avast and then reinstalling from scratch.

I have no idea as to what has caused this problem, though. ???

Best Regards…

it’s in most cases some problem in the network (which causes data corruption, case A), or some temporary desync on our servers (caused by a malfunction of particular machine(s), case B). Just check the bad vps (was copied to your desktop) - does it end with ASWSignd?

If so, it’s probably complete file, and thus case B, otherwise it’s probably case A. Both problems are transient, and B should disappear as soon as we 'll fix the desync.

In case B, you can just quit the app and agent,. and copy the “allegedly bad vps” from desktop to ~Library/Application Support/com.avast.MacAvast - and it would be probably accepted by the app with no problem…
