Bank demanding either index number or address of the receiver, but...

I’m trying to pay my Avast Pro Antivirus via wire transfer. I inserted the index number I got when registering my order, correctly, but my online bank service claims that the index number is Finnish and therefore can’t be used for foreign payments. The online bank service demands either the index number of the order, or the address of the receiver. What should I do/what address should I insert if the index number doesn’t work?

//Edit: unfortunately I have no other way to pay than via wire transfer.

Hi tuulilei, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I have put this forward.

Greetz, Red.

What do you mean with index number ?
Do you mean IBAN ?

Thank you, Red! :slight_smile:

Eddy, no, not the IBAN, the reference number.

Hi tuulilei!

The transaction is indeed a foreign payment, and thus you should send it as that. I understand that you got an IBAN number and a SWIFT code for the transaction, plus the reference number. Do not try to send it as a domestic payment :slight_smile:

Yes, I think that I did everything correctly, the online bank service just didn’t accept the reference number and claimed that it can’t be used on foreign payments. I got the IBAN, the reference number and the BIC, but it (BIC) wasn’t asked at any point. I don’t think there is a SWIFT code anywhere?